There is a firm that provides Mobile Operator 3 functions.

   1. char[] get_number: to get a new number(10 digit)
   2. bool is_allocated(char[]) : if the number is already allocated.
   3. bool allocate(char[]) : allocate the number.

What data structure to use?

We can use hash table to store the number that is already allocated.

char[] get_number()
    Generate the random 10 digit number.

bool is_allocated(char[] num)
   Get the lock
    Hash the given number.
    Index the hash to the hash table.
    Look for collision.
    if collide return true else return false.
    release the lock

bool allocate(char[] num)
  Get the lock
   hash the given number
   Index the hash to the hash table
   set the entry in the hash table for the given index.
  release the lock

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