I calculated times taken to calculate a variety of n values with the
bubble, selection and quick sort. I know that the bubble, selection
are both O(n^2) sorts and that the Quicksort is O(nlogn). But how
could I predict the time taken for these sorts when I know n?

here is my table for the bubble sort:
                  Time in milliseconds:
# of #  Random  Half-Sorted Sorted <---- different data, random is
obviously random data.....
750     3.1     1.5     1.5
1000    6.2     2.8     3.1
1500    12.5    6.4     6.3
2000    21.9    11.1    10.9
2500    35.9    16.7    15.6
5000    140.6   64.7    65.6
7500    312.5   157.7   172.8
10000   559.4   258.5   279.8
15000   1306.2  559.0   606.5
20000   2312.5  1070.6  1078.7

But how can I compare my actual times (above) with the theoretical
O approximation? This is what confuses me....

Thanks again in advance. :)

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