You are given a sequence of jobs. The no. of days which each job takes
to complete is also provided.
You are also given the penalty amount to be paid per day each day a
job left done. Give an optimal ordering
among jobs to minimize penalty. There are no concurrent jobs.

Jobs:                                  J1 J2 J3
no. of days to complete:       1  10  4
Penalty incurred each day    1000 30 40
the job is pending

Schedule is J1 J3 J2
hence, J1 goes for 1st day. J3 for subsequent 4 days. J2 for the next
10 days.

Penalty incurred = (delay for job i ) * (penalty per day of job i) =
                        = (0)(1000) + (1)(40) + 5(30) = 190

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