The pirate ship logica will accept only on board pirates who would
rather live than die, would rather have more gold than less gold, and
who have perfectly logical minds.At the end of profitable sea voyage,
there are 100 private on board, and a total of 1000 coins to divide
between them. They use a method to divide the treasure that combines
democracy with autarchy.( Here is the method which they will follow the
letter) :  The pirates are ranked from wimpiest to fiercest. First the
fiercest pirate (#100) proposes a distribution of the coins. Then all
the pirates on board vote, if at least half agree, then the coins are
distributed, and the algorithm is over. If, however a majority of votes
against the proposed distribution, then the fiercest pirate is thrown
overboard, and piratte #99 gets to propose a new distribution among the
remaining 99. A vote is taken on his proposal, and if rejected then
pirate #98 gets to propose a distrbution among the remaining 98
pirates, etc...

Question : You are pirate #100.  What distribution you should propose?
                Prove that ur distribution maximizes the gold you

( This problem has exactly one correct answer for the distribution. If
more than one distribution appears equally good to u. you are not
understading somethin...)

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