*Platform: Proxmox VE 8.1.4NUT version: Network UPS Tools upsstats 2.8.0*

I configured Proxmox and I can pull up the UPS stats.

Typing in `*upsrw -l cyberpower@localhost*` I get the following:

*[battery.charge.low]Remaining battery level when UPS switches to LB
(percent)Type: STRINGMaximum length: 10Value:
10[battery.runtime.low]Remaining battery runtime when UPS switches to LB
(seconds)Type: STRINGMaximum length: 10Value: 600[input.transfer.high]High
voltage transfer point (V)Type: STRINGMaximum length: 10Value:
0[input.transfer.low]Low voltage transfer point (V)Type: STRINGMaximum
length: 10Value: 0[ups.delay.shutdown]Interval to wait after shutdown with
delay command (seconds)Type: STRINGMaximum length: 10Value:
20[ups.delay.start]Interval to wait before (re)starting the load
(seconds)Type: STRINGMaximum length: 10Value: 30*

When I type `*upsrw -s battery.charge.low=50 -u admin -p 12345678
cyberpower@localhost`* Iget an OK, yet after rebooting the setting is still

I would like to push up the shutdown process to initiate when the ups is at
50% rather than 10% mainly because there is a need to down other servers.

Is there a work around?

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