Hi all!

I have a bluetooth audio device that I've managed to pair with my laptop.

I've created the following ~/.asoundrc

pcm.bluetooth {
   type bluetooth
   device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
   profile "auto"

and I can use it with the following command

 > mplayer -ao alsa:device=bluetooth file.mp3

What I'd like to do (goggled a lot without luck!) if to have an 
additional volume control in the alsamixer which allows me to re-direct 
or duplicate to the bluetooth device all audio normally played on the 
laptop speaker.

This will be an efficient global solution since I won't need to specify 
the device for each player (mplayer, spotify, exaile...)

I have no /etc/asound.conf or /etc/asoundrc files and my current mixer 
configuration is the default one (without dmix).

If you can give me some help or point me to tutorials/examples...

Thank you very much for your help,


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