Hi again,
there again I've got a problem.
I'V got my via chipset working, at least the soundpart.
But there is the problem.
Iv got kerne 2.4.20 and 2.5.48
using 2.4.20 i've compiled the alsa-rc5, and with kernel 2.5.48 i use the buildin alsadriver. So far its no problem.
But when I trie to use the buildin modem the sound stops and it can only be fixed eighter by rebooting or by toggling both the master and the pcm volumcontrol via alsamixer.
I need to put the volume down and then up again, and so it pops and comes to life again. Maybe this helps to figur out some problems with this device.
But now my real question, as I listend to mp3's during houres of compiling time trying to figure out how to get linux to support my modem I noticed this error. And as i don't know how to get it to work i thought mybe there are some other peopl who have the same/or a simmilar  chipset (kt233/vt82xx)and know how to make it work

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