
    I am new to Android but i have experience with linux device driver.
I want to finally write a driver and a small apllication to use this driver.

For this first i wanted to first compile the kernel and load using the

Here is what i did.

1. Since I have 32 bit Ubuntu 10.10 installed on my laptop, I downloaded
Android 2.2 froyo platform code as Gingerbread and onwared needs 64 bit

$ repo init -u git://android.git.kernel.org/platform/manifest.git -b froyo
$ repo sync
$ source build/envsetup.sh
$ lunch full-eng
$ make

I could successfully build this code.

2. Downloaded the kernel (2.6.36) code using
git clone git://android.git.kernel.org/kernel/common.git

I could build this for ARM after changing task to tsk and disable DRM module

make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi-

3. Now i am trying to load this kernel and load using the emulator

santosh@ubuntu: cd out/target/product/generic
santosh@ubuntu:~/out/target/product/generic$ emulator -kernel
kernel/arch/arm/boot/zImage -system system.img -ramdisk ramdisk.img
-initdata userdata.img
emulator: WARNING: ignoring locked user data image at
emulator: WARNING: Another emulator is running. user data changes will *NOT*
be saved
emulator: ERROR: There is no user data image in your build directory. Please
make a full build

I got these above warnings when I used -data userdata.img option as well.

My questions are

1. Am i following the correct steps?
Do I need goldfish branch kernel or latest branch is ok?

Can you point me to any link/discussion on similar topic?

2. I have installed eclipse-SDK-3.6.2-win32 and latest android-sdk-windows
on my Windows vista laptop.
Can I copy the kernel image from my Ubuntu system to my Windows system and
test on windows emulator

android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-11\images has these files.

04/07/2011  09:19 PM         1,466,272 kernel-qemu
04/07/2011  09:19 PM           149,161 ramdisk.img
04/07/2011  09:19 PM       115,993,152 system.img
04/07/2011  09:19 PM         2,916,672 userdata.img

What files should i copy and from which locations?


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