You still need to specify the value as a complex arg:

   - name: Verify OSPF Information
       host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
       user: "admin"
       passwd: ""
       neighborInfo: "{{item.value}}"
     register: insieme.ospf
     with_dict: insieme.topo

On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 2:36 AM, Matt O <> wrote:

> I have a play that uses a module that I created. I'm not having trouble
> with this play or this module - it's with feeding this module's output into
> another module.
> ---
> - name: Build topology
>   hosts: spine
>   connection: local
>   gather_facts: no
>   tasks:
>     - name: Download CDP info from spines
>       nxapi_topo_build:
>           host={{ inventory_hostname }}
>           user="admin"
>           passwd="cisco"
>       register: insieme
>     - name: Show neighbors
>       debug: msg={{ item.value }}
>       with_dict: insieme.topo
> As you can see, I'm writing a dictionary to insieme.topo, and calling it
> in a debug task. That ouput is below:
> ~ ansible-playbook playbooks/gettopo.yml
> PLAY [Build topology]
> *********************************************************
> TASK: [Download CDP info from spines]
> *****************************************
> ok: []
> ok: []
> TASK: [Show neighbors]
> ********************************************************
> ok: [] => (item={'value': {u'local_if': u'Po100', u'mgmt_ipv4': u
> '', u'remote_if': u'Po200'}, 'key': u'VDH=SAL1814PHJF'}) => {
>     "item": {
>         "key": "VDH=SAL1814PHJF",
>         "value": {
>             "local_if": "Po100",
>             "mgmt_ipv4": "",
>             "remote_if": "Po200"
>         }
>     },
>     "msg": "{ulocal_if:"
> }
> ok: [] => (item={'value': {u'local_if': u'Po100', u'mgmt_ipv4': u
> '', u'remote_if': u'Po100'}, 'key': u'VDH=SAL1814PHJF'}) => {
>     "item": {
>         "key": "VDH=SAL1814PHJF",
>         "value": {
>             "local_if": "Po100",
>             "mgmt_ipv4": "",
>             "remote_if": "Po100"
>         }
>     },
>     "msg": "{ulocal_if:"
> }
> That debug is straight out of the variable I'm registering to -
> insieme.topo. What I'd like to do is turn around and feed that dictionary
> into an argument for another module.
> I was directed here for info on passing complex args to a custom module:
> I have added the "type='dict'" option to this second module - called
> "nxapi_ospf", as shown below:
> def main():
>     module = AnsibleModule(
>         argument_spec=dict( \
>             host=dict(required=True), \
>             user=dict(required=False, default='admin'), \
>             passwd=dict(required=False, default=None), \
>             neighborInfo=dict(type='dict',required=True, default=None), \
>             logfile=dict(required=False, default=None)), \
>         supports_check_mode=False)
> So I write a play to use this module and feed insieme.topo as an argument
> into neighborInfo:
> - name: Verify OSPF
>   hosts: spine
>   connection: local
>   gather_facts: no
>   tasks:
>     - name: Verify OSPF Information
>       nxapi_ospf:
>         host={{ inventory_hostname }}
>         user="admin"
>         passwd=""
>         neighborInfo={{ item.value }}
>       register: insieme.ospf
>       with_dict: insieme.topo
> However, I'm still getting "this module requires key=value arguments"
> messages.
> PLAY [Verify OSPF]
> ************************************************************
> TASK: [Verify OSPF Information]
> ***********************************************
> failed: [] => (item={'value': {u'local_if': u'Po100', u'mgmt_ipv4'
> : u'', u'remote_if': u'Po100'}, 'key': u'VDH=aaaaaa'}) => {
> "failed": true, "item": {"key": "VDH=aaaaa", "value": {"local_if": "Po100"
> , "mgmt_ipv4": "", "remote_if": "Po100"}}}
> failed: [] => (item={'value': {u'local_if': u'Po100', u'mgmt_ipv4'
> : u'', u'remote_if': u'Po200'}, 'key': u'VDH=aaaaaa'}) => {
> "failed": true, "item": {"key": "VDH=aaaaa", "value": {"local_if": "Po100"
> , "mgmt_ipv4": "", "remote_if": "Po200"}}}
> msg: this module requires key=value arguments (['host=',
> 'user=admin', 'passwd=cisco', 'neighborInfo={ulocal_if:', 'uPo100,',
> 'umgmt_ipv4:', 'u192.168.1.123,', 'uremote_if:', 'uPo100}'])
> msg: this module requires key=value arguments (['host=',
> 'user=admin', 'passwd=cisco', 'neighborInfo={ulocal_if:', 'uPo100,',
> 'umgmt_ipv4:', 'u192.168.1.123,', 'uremote_if:', 'uPo200}'])
> FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting
> ********************************************************************
>            to retry, use: --limit @/Users/mierdin/gettopo.retry
>                   : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=
> 1
>                   : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=
> 1
> I'm sure I'm just not passing the argument correctly for some reason, but
> all of the documentation I've seen for using dictionaries as complex
> arguments for modules involves defining them in the YAML directly. Instead,
> I'd like to be able to use a dictionary that is stored as a register by
> another module, as I've shown.
> Is this possible today? Thanks in advance.
>  --
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