[AsburyPark] New Site Name, Format, & Specials!

2011-01-09 Thread Mickarthy
(http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=gqrgy7dab&et=1104218180778&s=0&e=001bUM7tnyQZkQS60z8Yufwj1u5ozdiLJYo2pNQLFKxgNjG-_nR7paFXhC-lgMwD8YgJ7ZKTfQN jx96a40Na9jQZb9P_yuUkOstzjeJvnLCaBiCUkDFZvaau5mDffZq7jUP) We're off and running! bargainboozeandbites.com, your guide to amazing dining & drin

[AsburyPark] Garage or similar storage space needed

2011-01-09 Thread Garrett Wagner
Hello group. I am in need or a storage space for a disassembled kitchen (cabinets & appliances).  Would need it for January & February.  Looking for dry, ground floor space with easy access.  If you or someone you know has space you'd be willing to rent, please be in touch.   My ph: 917-687-343