Hi All,

What's with these 1950's style men in here whose main purpose in life is to make money, and nothing else, who have so much pent up hatred against the poor, afro-Americans and women?

That guy who started the Anti-homeless persons group is an example ..... Paul Vail I think his name is? Or Mario? Or rapid cycling Dan who one minute's against the homeless and poor, then is putting articles up that prove we should help them?

And what are the reasons for not wanting the mission? Besides racism, nothing valid yet. Lies about there being 7 shelters already. Lies about all "homeless and poor" creating all of the crime. Truth is, since the redevelopment's been in town, crime is the highest ever in the past 15 years. It's obvious that attacking the poor in every way is attracting gangs, as well as generating anti-gay sentiment, because they are doing Fishman's dirty work here, so they get the backlash. Now they want to sell their 1 family homes for $800,000, when the economy and real estate market is all falling out! I hope they lose everything. you think Fishman will care?

Do you here Carl Williams complaining? He got over 250 Afro-Americans jobs over the years, and he had the brains to sell his house high, not buy high, and get out! You dummies are stuck with lead weights, that won't sell for years, unless you lower the prices by $100-200K!

Yet the type A bigots want to waste their time complaining, instead of trying to help the bad situation they helped to create here, by helping to create jobs, affordable housing ..... and God forbid, maybe even rent stabilization.

Is mario that 5'4" big mouth who hates everyone, and is a conservative right winger who I heard saying that we should drop nuclear weapons all over the middle east? If it's the same person, I heard him shoveling out his insane ranting at a first Saturday night recently. What a wacko!

There are urban cities in the US who have done things right, (Minneapolis, for an example) without having these groups of biased people come in and chase out the poor. They co-exist in total peace and harmony, as a matter of  fact, if a white person were to get jumped in their downtown, many blacks or hispanics would come to their aid, because they've been treated right by their neighbors, and want to pay back what's right!  Not here, though ....... these people want to have the poor die & freeze on the streets in the winter!

Where I was originally from near Paterson in northern NJ, I had friends all over, and would even get an escort, if desired, through the toughest areas of the cities. But Asbury is even more dangerous than Paterson or Passaic now, because of all of the bigotry, and the backlash being "lived out" as crime, from it. Four years ago it was safer here. Now, you can't even walk around at night on the east side, which you could ... I mean by the ocean, in 2000.

When you take care of the poor, rather than attacking them and hurting them (economically), then they'll be your friends. Right now you're stuck, because you can't sell your houses for big bucks, because real estate is plummeting! It's already a "buyers" market, and sinking fast. By year's end, the whole bottom on the economy may even fall out, which would "level the field" a lot between the poor and the assaulters with the redevelopment.

Time will prove all, only the fools get themselves into hot water long term, and there's lots of those in here!



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