EMINENT DOMAIN: Belmar decision not applicable in  
Long Branch-MTOTSA suit, says lawyer tied to both cases
Impact on Long Branch assessed
Posted by the _Asbury Park  Press_ (http://www.app.com/)  on 07/12/07
STAFF  WRITER _Post  Comment _ 
LONG BRANCH — The lawyer who fended off Belmar and its legal  attempt to 
force a bakery to go along with a redevelopment plan said  a court ruling in 
conflict will have no bearing on a separate  case involving the use of eminent 
domain in Long Branch. 
Paul V. Fernicola, who represented Freedman's Bakery, said he is  in a good 
position to make that statement because he is defending  the city's use of 
eminent domain against the Anzalone family, which  has owned a home near the 
city's oceanfront for nearly half a  century. 
Fernicola said the city's argument in support of using eminent  domain to 
redevelop what he considered a blighted neighborhood is  much stronger than 
was presented by Belmar and deemed  insufficient in a state appellate court 
ruling made public  Wednesday. 
While Long Branch's case might be stronger, its redevelopment  study fails to 
show that the so-called blighted area should be  condemned, said Scott 
Bullock, a lawyer from the nonprofit Institute  of Justice, which is 
representing a 
group of homeowners there. 
"The redevelopment study doesn't meet the state criteria to prove  that an 
area needs redevelopment," Bullock said. 
In the Belmar case, a three-judge panel ruled that Belmar did not  show that 
the operation of the bakery was a detriment to the public.  The borough's 
argument — that the bakery should comply because its  facilities weren't modern 
was not enough to win over the  judges. 
The ruling cited a recent decision in which the state Supreme  Court said 
Paulsboro could not condemn a property simply because it  is not "fully 
While Fernicola said Long Branch has argued to use eminent domain  on the 
same grounds, he said the city's case is stronger than  Belmar's. Furthermore, 
the city has presented three other reasons  why the use of eminent domain would 
be legal in MTOTSA, which is an  acronym for the neighborhood in question — 
Marine Terrace, Ocean  Terrace and Seaview Avenue. 
The city wants to clear MTOTSA for the second phase of Beachfront  North, a 
redevelopment project that includes 185 luxury condominiums  and a two-story 
public pavilion. 
Two challenges to the project — one by the Anzalones and another  by a larger 
group of homeowners represented by Bullock — are pending  before a state 
appellate court, which intends to rule on both cases  simultaneously. 
All sides have submitted briefs to the court. The next step would  be the 
presentation of oral arguments, a date for which has not been  set. The 
arguments, Fernicola said, aren't expected to be heard  until at least the 
James G. Aaron, who is defending the city against the homeowners  represented 
by Bullock, said the Belmar case and one involving Long  Branch should not be 
compared. The Belmar case dealt with a single  property, while the Long 
Branch case concerns an area. 
"The MTOTSA area was found to be part of a redevelopment zone  that was 
necessary for redevelopment and met the statutes," Aaron  said. 
Anna DeFaria, an 81-year-old resident of Marine Terrace, said she  was not 
familiar with the Belmar case, but added that she and her  neighbors could use 
all the help they can get. 
"We're hoping to God that's going to help us because we're in  appellate 
court now," she said. 
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