In a message dated 8/31/2007 9:05:08 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
Help me out: The above may be so, but using ALL CAPS is not convincing
enough.   One of your sites claims your movement is faith based, not
politically based.  Faith in Christ.It also says you purposefully remain
"independent of party affiliation...he maintains an independent, non
affiliated position to remain above the fray we experience in a National
Culture dividing itself into Liberal and Conservative segments....His
personal political position is plainly centered and leans minimally in
both directions. Self admitted he leans conservative on fiscal
issues..."Is the above just perfunctory--to satisfy the IRS 501(c)3 tax
exemptions? If not, why inject your politics here and especially the
un-Christ-like vitriol toward those who have differing opinions about
the JSRM, Dem v Repubs,  et al.  You seem far from "minimally in both
bio continues:"He was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1952 of second generation
Italian and Irish immigrants. Ordained a Baptist Preacher, he embraces
the Pentecostal movement and calls himself a 'Bapticostal Evangelist.'
He also embraces Catholicism and Judean Traditions, for it was the faith
of his parents and Jewish stepfather that inspired his spirituality."
Help me out:  With similar roots to Italian, Irish and Jewish
immigrants, I had sixteen+ years of Catholic School education: Italian
nuns taught me the Catechism; Ionian Christian Brothers of Ireland
required religion courses; and Jesuits required theology and philosophy
(for Catholics). The Christ they taught was quite a rebel in his own
time; wasn't contemptuous of government or taxation (pay unto
Caesar....); and I don't recall "Blessed are the War Profiteers" in the
Sermon ion the Mount. His main focus wasn't on "eminent domain abuse";
he preached wherever anyone would listen.  He chased the money changes
from the temples; and  he didn't "Bless" selective political groups or
countries; he blessed all, including prostitutes,the Samaritan (despised
by the Jews), and those about to crucify him.
=======================================================Help me
understand your certitude:  My teachers were highly credentialed.Among
all the "Donate" buttons on your sites, I found the following:
EDUCATION: C.U.N.Y Kingsborough Campus, Graduated 1976 AAS Degree Public
Accounting:  Fine "KINGS HIGHWAY FAITH FELLOWSHIP / Varied Ministry
Training Programs 1982 - 1992":  Various?  Scholarly Scripture study? 
Written works?.
"Licensed To Preach May 1991":  Where? By Whom? Their credentials?
"Ordained 1995":   Where? By whom?  His or her credentials?  Why so
vague after C.U.N.Y.'s accounting
degree?===================================================== Help me
out:  You're in Long Branch.  Why do you see fit to post AP crimes we
can read in the paper to this group?  I can understand residents doing
that to discuss remedies.  What's your
motivation?======================================================Help me
out regarding your support for our troops:    Our own tentatively
operating JSRM claims it's serving over a thousand homeless in this city
which previously documented hundreds less. Does your ministry have
similar numbers?  And do you document the wounded war veterans or their
families you minister to? Must support mean talking the party line? 
Walking to console the parents of their dead
children.======================================================== It's
still a free country.  These are not charges.  And there's no need to
reply.   But those questions are out there.  More so when you continue
to post such as:In a message dated 9/2/2007 10:52:52 A.M. Eastern
Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] write a joke whose punch line
issomehow, as soon as I stopped thinking....I joined the Democratic

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