
Ive had my SB3 for three days now and although there is a lot more
detail to the sound than my previous CD player, I have so far been
distinctly unimpressed.

1..Brightness..its way too bright (too much treble). After tuning
Sibilence out of my system for the last year now its back with a
vengence :(

2.. Uninvolving unmusical presentation that lacks dynamic punch,
everything sounds strangely flat... instruments are not springing out
from the speakers anymore, although I am hearing detail like never
before its all a bit mechanical and 2 dimensional.

good points...

1...it looks very nice with its flourescent display and diminutive
styling etc.

2.. a doddle to setup with the excellent user friendly slimserver

My system: Wired SB3 with standard power adaptor... Bel Canto Dac 2....
MingDa 22 watt Valve amp using Svetlana 6L6GC output tubes and Svetlana
6N1P inputs... Wharfedale pacific Evolution 30 speakers, QED silver
speaker cable bi wired... Van Den Hul Hybrid Digital Coax and

I am a convert to harddisk music and accept the advantages over
standard cd transport problems etc.. But why does Foobar2000 sound so
much better and more importantly more musical than SB3?

Are there any tips or tricks especially to reduce sibilance? I like the
SB3 concept and its certainly cheaper than having a dedicated pc server
but unfortunately from my experience a PC server is probably the way I
will have to go in the end.


Lyonesse's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5496
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=24613

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