Although I love the sound of my Modwright TP, it only addresses up to
24/96 resolutions.  I am demoing a very beautiful sounding DAC (Weiss
Minerva) and wondered if there was a way to send greater than 24/96
files along the net, flagging that the TP was not going to try and
process them, just passing them to a DAC?  Clearly it won't work out of
the box, as I've tried it (via AES/EBU).  It says it's unable to read
file type or something (tried Neil Young's On The Beach, ripped at
Any ideas how to convince SC to send it?  I assume the bandwidth is
much greater, but heck, 24/96 is no slouch either, and SC and TP deal
with that easily in my setup.  Thx

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