Rien de plus marrant que deux Français qui parlent Anglais... moi même
à Londres... bref... on s'écarte du sujet
Olivier MATZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
Hi Tof,
I stumbled across a really rare animal this week : a gcc bug ;)
yes, i wrote a piece of code with a lot of u64
take care if you use 64 bit vars
aversive is potentially affected, especially the fixed point lib, used
by robot system.
thanks for the report. You can launch the test program of fixed_point
module on an AVR to see if there is a problem.
subliminal message : are there some gcc experts here ?
mouahahaha. no. ;)
oliv : for aversive 1.1, i plan to make one or two little commits if
there is time remaining.
Sorry 1.1 is already out. But, if there is a critical issue, we can
prepare a 1.1.1 version
PS: au fait quelqu'un sait pourquoi on parle anglais ?
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