Re: serialize only certain fields of bean

2004-08-02 Thread Arnaud Vezain
What about transcient property. In a classic serializable object, writing "transcient" before any field name allows to hide it to the serialization process. -Original Message- From: "Maurice Marrink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 16:43:05 +0200 Subject:

Re: using axis ant tasks, documentation

2004-08-02 Thread Arnaud Vezain
The fact that your service is a wrapped one change the problem. I am not a specialist of wrapped service but here is what you can read in the axis user guide : "In other words, the ENTIRE element would be handed to your method as a single bean with three fields inside it. On the other hand, for a

Re: using axis ant tasks, documentation

2004-08-02 Thread Arnaud Vezain
file when you deploy it with your ant script. Arnaud. > Hi there, > > since several days I try to figure out how axis and the ant tasks for > axis work. But clear documentation is quite seldom... > > Right now I try to find out how to use the complexType-Tag... but there >

RE: Java2WSDL via Ant - cannot get it to work!

2004-08-02 Thread Arnaud Vezain
Is your build script to the root of your projet ? If it isn't, have you changed the basedir property of the element to point the root of your project. I had myself problems of NoClassdefFound with classpath and axis Ant tasks. I wrote a script with an embeded classpath property like :

Complex Type with Array -> found the problem

2004-07-29 Thread Arnaud Vezain
delete all this new methods for the class and redeploy the service, I get my original complex type Etiquette (5 String, 1 String[]) in the dynamic wsdl and the service works fine. Is this a bug or I am going wrong ? Thanks, Arnaud.

Re: Complex Type with Array

2004-07-28 Thread Arnaud Vezain
> Arnaud, > > Are you generating a document/literal WSDL? If so, what you're seeing > is not > surprising. I was surprised myself when I first saw this behaviour, but > all > my web service clients seem to know what to do with such a WSDL. They > generate proper stubs

Complex Type with Array

2004-07-28 Thread Arnaud Vezain
Hello, I've wrote a web service which use a complex type named Etiquette. This type contains 4 java.lang.String and 1 java.lang.String Array. When I generate the wsdd and wsdl files, no problem. The wsdl contains my complex type schema (with 5 String and 1 String[]). When I deploy this service, the

RE: Parameters name, Helpers, Skeleton

2004-07-20 Thread Arnaud Vezain
on is equivalent to the "implclass" Ant task option). I get no answers to my others questions : 2) What helpers can be used for ? 3) What is the advantage of deploying a skeleton-based service rather than of an implementation-based one ? Arnaud.

Parameters name, Helpers, Skeleton

2004-07-19 Thread Arnaud Vezain
, etc. Why? 2) What helpers can be used for ? 3) What is the advantage of deploying a skeleton-based service rather than of an implementation-based one ? Arnaud.

axis and SSL client certificate: how do I make the certificate info available to the web service itself

2004-05-14 Thread Arnaud SAHUGUET
and how do I make this information available to Axis and to the web service itself? regards, Arnaud

MSGProvider,EJBProvider and XML flow/DOM

2004-05-11 Thread arnaud
MSGProvider extends JavaProvider and EJBProvider extends RPCProvider so is it possible to use style="message" with the EJBProvider ? Is it foreseen for the version 1.3 ? And (other question) : with style message,is it foreseen for the version 1.3 that a xml flow is use instead of an object DOM ?

EJB ans style message

2004-03-25 Thread arnaud
Does anyone know whether axis support style="message" and provider="java:EJB"? The signature of my method is public SOAPBodyElement [] method (SOAPBodyElement [] bodies). With a java class (style="message"),that works. With an ejb,i have an exception "Body not found". If a specify in my wsdd provi

import schema in WSDL

2004-03-17 Thread arnaud
I try to import a schema in the WSDL. With the types in the WSDL (WSDL1), Axis-WSDL2Java works good. With an import (WSDL2), i have an error " Type {urn:example}Request is referenced but not defined". I use the same namespace for the schema and WSDL. Why doesn't it work? WSDL1

WSDL:message without part

2004-03-16 Thread arnaud
My service document return a DOM object. Is it possible/correct to not specify a part for the request/response message in the WSDL () or i must specify an element with a name and a type as xsd:anyType. If is it possible in mode document to specify an abstract type as xsd:anyType,why don't the same

message service with Jonas and EJb

2004-01-27 Thread arnaud
Hi all, Does anyone deploy an ejb message service with axis and jonas? I use an ear,with a war (embedded axis with the sample MessageService.class in WEB-INF/classes/samples/message) and an ejb-jar like specified at (2: Embedded Axis) my

How to use Commons HTTP Client?

2004-01-26 Thread arnaud . peyre
force axis using it. Is there a property in "Call" that I should set? Thanks in advance for your answers. Arnaud

problem with message style and SOAPBodyElement signature

2004-01-20 Thread PASQUER Arnaud DSI/SIFAC
Hi all, I've still having trouble getting document-style SOAP calls to work in Axis with SOAPBodyElement [] myService (SOAPBodyElement [] bodies) : SOAPFactoryImpl soapFactory=new SOAPFactoryImpl(); Name a=soapFactory.createName("A","icar","URI"); SOAPBodyElement bodyElement=new SOAPBodyElemen

Re : problem with basic authentication with Websphere as client on ZOS

2003-09-16 Thread arnaud . peyre
; It works fine with a ZOS or Windows client. Souldn't it be corrected in AXIS? Arnaud |-+> | | [EMAIL PROTECTED]| | | | | || | |

problem with basic authentication with Websphere as client on ZOS

2003-09-16 Thread arnaud . peyre
world). It seems that user and password are send in EBCDIC (the native ZOS encoding) to the Windows server. So the Windows server can't authenticate this user. Is there a way to configure something to force ASCII for the user and password? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Arnaud

problem with basic authentication with Websphere as client on ZOS

2003-09-15 Thread arnaud . peyre
world). It seems that user and password are send in EBCDIC (the native ZOS coding) to the Windows server. So the Windows server can't authenticate this user. Is there a way to configure something to force ASCII for the user and password? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Arnaud

keep-alive and HTTP1.1

2003-08-29 Thread BOULAY Arnaud
? regards, Arnaud

Custom types wsdl2java pb

2002-11-26 Thread Arnaud Gueguen
Hi, I try to generate JAXRPC compliant domain objects, which will be transferred over HTTP with Axis 1.0   For that I “Java2WSDL “my Java classes, and then “WSDLtoJava” the wsdl. I tried to play with a custom type (java.util.LinkedList) , I wrote the four classes ( (De)Serializer / (De

Desactivation of the attachments cache.

2002-09-27 Thread Arnaud Witschger
a specified threshold, or whose size exceed a specified threshold. Thank you. Arnaud Witschger.