What about transcient property.
In a classic serializable object, writing "transcient" before any field
name allows to hide it to the serialization process.
-Original Message-
From: "Maurice Marrink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 16:43:05 +0200
The fact that your service is a wrapped one change the problem. I am not a
specialist of wrapped service but here is what you can read in the axis
user guide :
"In other words, the ENTIRE element would be handed to
your method as a single bean with three fields inside it. On the other
hand, for a
file when you
deploy it with your ant script.
> Hi there,
> since several days I try to figure out how axis and the ant tasks for
> axis work. But clear documentation is quite seldom...
> Right now I try to find out how to use the complexType-Tag... but there
Is your build script to the root of your projet ? If it isn't, have you
changed the basedir property of the element to point the root of
your project.
I had myself problems of NoClassdefFound with classpath and axis Ant
tasks. I wrote a script with an embeded classpath property like :
delete all this new methods for the class and redeploy the
service, I get my original complex type Etiquette (5 String, 1 String[])
in the dynamic wsdl and the service works fine.
Is this a bug or I am going wrong ?
> Arnaud,
> Are you generating a document/literal WSDL? If so, what you're seeing
> is not
> surprising. I was surprised myself when I first saw this behaviour, but
> all
> my web service clients seem to know what to do with such a WSDL. They
> generate proper stubs
I've wrote a web service which use a complex type named Etiquette. This
type contains 4 java.lang.String and 1 java.lang.String Array. When I
generate the wsdd and wsdl files, no problem. The wsdl contains my complex
type schema (with 5 String and 1 String[]).
When I deploy this service, the
is equivalent to the "implclass" Ant task option).
I get no answers to my others questions :
2) What helpers can be used for ?
3) What is the advantage of deploying a skeleton-based service rather than
of an implementation-based one ?
, etc.
2) What helpers can be used for ?
3) What is the advantage of deploying a skeleton-based service rather than
of an implementation-based one ?
and how do I make
this information available to Axis and to the web service itself?
MSGProvider extends JavaProvider and EJBProvider
extends RPCProvider so is it possible to use
style="message" with the EJBProvider ?
Is it foreseen for the version 1.3 ?
And (other question) : with style message,is it
foreseen for the version 1.3 that a xml flow is use
instead of an object DOM ?
Does anyone know whether axis support style="message"
and provider="java:EJB"?
The signature of my method is public SOAPBodyElement
[] method (SOAPBodyElement [] bodies).
With a java class (style="message"),that works.
With an ejb,i have an exception "Body not found".
If a specify in my wsdd provi
I try to import a schema in the WSDL.
With the types in the WSDL (WSDL1), Axis-WSDL2Java
works good.
With an import (WSDL2), i have an error
"java.io.IOException: Type {urn:example}Request is
referenced but not defined".
I use the same namespace for the schema and WSDL.
Why doesn't it work?
My service document return a DOM object.
Is it possible/correct to not specify a part for the
request/response message in the WSDL () or i must specify an element with a
name and a type as xsd:anyType.
If is it possible in mode document to specify an
abstract type as xsd:anyType,why don't the same
Hi all,
Does anyone deploy an ejb message service with axis
and jonas?
I use an ear,with a war (embedded axis with the sample
MessageService.class in
WEB-INF/classes/samples/message) and an ejb-jar like
specified at
(2: Embedded Axis)
force axis using it.
Is there a property in "Call" that I should set?
Thanks in advance for your answers.
Hi all,
I've still having trouble getting document-style SOAP calls to work in Axis with
SOAPBodyElement [] myService (SOAPBodyElement [] bodies) :
SOAPFactoryImpl soapFactory=new SOAPFactoryImpl();
Name a=soapFactory.createName("A","icar","URI");
SOAPBodyElement bodyElement=new SOAPBodyElemen
It works fine with a ZOS or Windows client.
Souldn't it be corrected in AXIS?
| | cnafmail.fr |
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| |
It seems that user and password are send in EBCDIC (the native ZOS
to the Windows server. So the Windows server can't authenticate this user.
Is there a way to configure something to force ASCII for the user and
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
It seems that user and password are send in EBCDIC (the native ZOS coding)
to the Windows server. So the Windows server can't authenticate this user.
Is there a way to configure something to force ASCII for the user and
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I try to generate JAXRPC
compliant domain objects, which will be transferred over HTTP with Axis 1.0
For that I “Java2WSDL “my
Java classes, and then “WSDLtoJava” the wsdl.
I tried to play with a custom
type (java.util.LinkedList) , I wrote the four classes ( (De)Serializer / (De
a specified threshold,
or whose size exceed a specified threshold.
Thank you.
Arnaud Witschger.
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