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HEALTH MATTERS - some simple yet practical solutions...

Lime is the best physician at all times. It relieves
many symptoms which no doctor could do. Lime is very
effective in coughs, cold and influenza.

A big glass of warm water, one table spoon honey, half
a lemon works wonders. Those who drink one lemon drink
every day hardly have to visit a doctor.

Lime destroys the toxins in the body. Typhoid and other
diseases die within no time.  It is very effective in
destroying the uric acid.

Lime are more alkalizing.  It is very effective in
destroying bacteria from intestinal tract.  It cures
constipation, loss of appetite, arthritis, skin diseases,
heart diseases.  The high potassium content in them
makes the lime very useful for preventing and curing
heart diseases. It strengthens the teeth and gums.
It freshens the breath.  It purifies blood and liver.
It stimulates the functions of the kidney, liver and
sweat glands.

A ripe lime is a good appetizer.  It destroys intestinal
worms and expels the excessive gases formed in the
digestive tract.  Regular yoga exercise and the juice
helps excreting waste toxins in your body.  It purifies
blood. Each and every cell of the body is rejuvenated
by taking lime.

Honey - the best food for the heart

Honey is one of the best gift from nature to us. Honey
is saturated with glucose and fructose. These sugar are
in pre-digested forms and hence are readily assimilated
in the blood stream.

There is no energy producing food in the market to
equal honey.  If you wish for an instantaneous energy,
one that can be felt in about ten minutes, take a
spoonful of honey. The glycogen passes rapidly into
your blood stream and has the same effects as a meal.
There are sixteen types of sugar present in honey,
but two are predominant, fructose and dextrose. This
is one reason why honey acts so quickly to produce
energy, for fructose and dextrose are described as
pre-digested, and when taken into the body go to
work straight away.

A glass of water with two teaspoons of honey at night
induces sound sleep and brings clear motion on the
next morning.  The same drink taken on an empty stomach
in the morning works as an appetizer. Honey is a mild
antiseptic. Its regular use strengthens both body and
mind. It is recommended in cases of arteriosclerosis
and weak hearts.

Heart is a muscle and, like all our muscles, is
stimulated by honey which provides the energy needed
by its tired muscles.  Honey builds bodily resistance
to coughs, colds and many other ailments.


"Untuk mereka yang mendambakan anak balitanya tumbuh sehat & cerdas"

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