Okay, so maybe I need to choose my friends more carefully, but Karl
just created a user named   on his Linux box, and sends me mail from
it.  Thanks a bunch, Karl.  When I try to read the message in VM, I
get the following error:

Signalling: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
  string-match("\\bjimb\\b" nil)
  vm-run-message-hook([[#<marker at 1899382 in INBOX> #<marker at 1899450 in INBOX> 
#<marker at 1899799 in INBOX> #<marker at 1899925 in INBOX> #<marker at 1900064 in 
INBOX> #<marker at 1900065 in INBOX>] ["658" "658" nil #<marker at 47607 in INBOX 
Summary> #<marker at 47688 in INBOX Summary> <<>> <-- From_ "2464" #<buffer INBOX> nil 
nil nil nil nil nil] [nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] ["139" "Mon" "14" "August" 
"1995" "20:48:33" "-0500" "Vapor User" "Vapor User <>" nil "7" "did you know that, 
under Linux" "^From:" nil nil "8" nil nil (number " " mark "     Vapor User        Aug 
14    7/139   " thread-indent "\"did you know that, under Linux\"\n") nil] [nil <v> t 
nil nil]] vm-select-message-hook)

If I continue from this error, I can read the message.

Of course, the correct fix is to shoot Karl, or his machine, but I was
thinking maybe BBDB has some sort of pacifist values, and would want
to forestall such an occurrence.

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