Adriano Allora wrote:
> hi to all,


> this question isn't exactly a cgi-question, but I need to solve this
> problem before writing the cgi interface.
> I've got a list of tagged files.
> I've listed all the couple word+tag.
> now, for each word+tag I want to write a file containing  all the
> filename in which compare the couple.
> This is the script:
> `sort tagged_files/* | uniq > word+tag.txt`;

perldoc -q "backticks in a void context"

> open(IDX, "<word+tag.txt");

You should verify that the file was actually opened.

> while(<IDX>)
>         {
>         next if /^\W.+/;
>         open(TMP, ">indexes/$_.txt");

You should verify that the file was actually opened.

>         $where = `grep -L '$_' tagged_files/*`;
>         print TMP $where;
>         close(TMP);
>         }
> someone would tell me why the line with grep does not work?

The string in $_ has a newline at the end.

> Is this the fastest way?

sort -u tagged_files/* > word+tag.txt
grep -L -f word+tag.txt tagged_files/*

Or did you really want to do it in Perl?

Maybe if you could explain in more detail exactly what you want to do?

use Perl;

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