I am making Ajax call to Perl page and try to parse data in perl page and
return results to html page
on my perl page, I have

use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use CGI;

my $cgi = CGI->new();
my $string = $cgi->param('sform');
my $json = encode_json( [$string] );
print $cgi->header( -type => 'application/json' );
print $json;
print $string;

I am tesitng this on localhost.

I am getting no response. Should I install Perl on the server or does it
come with Apache package.


Matt Zand
Cell: 202-420-9192
Work: 240-200-6131
High School Technology Services <https://myhsts.org/>
DC Web Makers <https://dcwebmakers.com/>
Coding Bootcamps <https://coding-bootcamps.com/>

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