Mystik Gotan said:

Careful with the crossposting.  This has nothing to do with CGI, and I
don't suppose my post will even get to the yahoo list.

> I'm in search for a solution. Let's say I have this array:
> @array (5, 6, 7, 89, 1, 0, 456, 298023, 56);
> Now, how can I get the biggest integers from this array and give them a
> string with their place. Let's say I have a foreach loop where I checked
> all  the biggest integers (however, I don't know how) and I give them
> all a  string like:
> $website_76 = 1; # position 1
> $website_87 = 2; # position 2

You don't want a bunch of separate variables.  An array is the correct
data structure here.

            map  $_->[0],
            sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
            map  [ $_, $array[$_] ],
            0 .. $#array
        ] = 1 .. @array;

This stores each element with its position in the array, sorts on the
element and then gets back its original position.  This is used to
populate @website.

This might seem like voodoo, or it might be crystal clear.  Ask about what
you don't know and can't work out yourself.  But watch the crossposting.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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