I'm in desperate need of help. I have a website on a
third party hosting company server using IIS and I
have the libwww 5.53 source files copied into my
website directory in (/include/libwww).  I've written
an ASP script that allows me to perform HTTP requests
and it works great.  Here is a copy of the code:

<script language="PerlScript" runat="Server">
sub GetURL
  my $url = @_[0];
  my $method = @_[1];
  my $query = @_[2];

  if ($method eq "POST")
    use lib "/include/libwww";
    use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
    use LWP::UserAgent;

    $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
    my $req = POST $url, [split(/[=&]/, $query)];
    $content = $ua->request($req)->content;
    return $content;
  elsif ($method eq "GET")
    use LWP::Simple;
    if (defined($query))
      $query = "?" . $query;
    return (get($url . $query));
    return ("Unknown method!");

My problem is that it cannot perform HTTPS requests.
I've been reading the README.SSL file and hunting
for information around the web.  They say I need
to install OpenSLL, SSLeay and/or some other

I've downloaded the Crypt:SSLeay and copied the files
from the lib directory into my /include/libwww hoping
they added the support for the HTTPS, but that didn't

I've upgraded the files to libwww 5.64 and that still
didn't work.

I don't know what modules are needed and how to get
them in place properly.

Please help.
Marc Johnston

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