Can anyone point me to what documentation I should be reviewing to solve the
following problem?

I have an HTML file and want to look through it for certain comment tags or
lines containing particular text strings, then split it up into ads and
articles, for instance. Let's say I have a section for an advertisement that
looks like this:

        <!-- ad -->
         # line of HTML
         # another line of HTML
         # etc.
        <!-- end ad -->

and another section, let's call it the "articles" section of the HTML
newsletter, that starts with a line containing "Today's Headlines" and looks
like this. The client is generating the HTML file with WordPerfect, or as
you can see from the looks of this code, WordImperfect:

        <p align="center"><strong>Today's Headlines:</strong>

        <br wp="br1"><br wp="br2">
        <br wp="br1"><br wp="br2">
        <p><strong>Company A</strong> reports a 2nd quarter
        loss of $146 million...

        <br wp="br1"><br wp="br2">
        <p><strong>Company B</strong> sells its fishing business...

        <br wp="br1"><br wp="br2">
        <p><strong>Company c</strong> blah blah blah...

What should I be looking at to learn how to parse each of those individual
segments (ads and articles) into usable arrays or hashes? Any direction
would be great. Thanks!

Scot R.

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