Hello all,

I believe the Gordon Research Conference on Diffraction Methods to be easily one of the most useful meetings held in this field, which is why I'm helping Arwen Pearson organize it.  We decided to focus this time on the problems facing the field and how new opportunities might help us solve them.  We've got new kinds of sources, new kinds of detectors, new ways of measuring data, and great big computers for analyzing it, but how is all this going to help you with your project?  The best way to find out is to ask the experts in person, and most of them come to this meeting.  You can see on the page:


That the deadline for registration is July 3.  We don't have control over this, so there is no sneaking in after the deadline.  The meeting itself is July 29 - Aug 3, just 5 days after the ACA, giving you plenty of time to get to Boston and get on the bus.

Hope to see you there!

-James Holton
MAD Scientist


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