Dear Colleagues,

A two year post doctoral position on Radiation Damage is immediately available 
on the PROXIMA 2A beamline at Synchrotron SOLEIL. Please forward the 
announcement to any interested candidates.

PROXIMA 2A is a micro-focus beamline dedicated to macromolecular 
crystallography (MX) and delivers a very intense X-ray beam focused down to a 
few microns (10 µm * 4 µm, H*V FWHM). The X-rays are tunable over a wide energy 
range (6 – 17 keV), which covers the absorption edges of most heavy atoms for 
anomalous scattering studies. The end station is equipped with a high 
performance single axis goniometer, a robotic sample changer, a cryostat and an 
X-ray fluorescence detector. Recently the area detector was upgraded to a fast 
(750 Hz), state-of-the-art, pixel array detector: The EIGER 9M.

Crystalline samples of biological macromolecules often suffer radiation damage 
during the collection of X-ray diffraction data. The objectives of this project 
are to monitor and characterize X-ray radiation damage effects on different 
protein crystal systems using the high flux density of the micro-focused beam 
coupled with the ultra fast area detector for MX data collections in different 
modes. The results will help reduce the rates of radiation damage and optimize 
its distribution over the crystal.

More details can be found at the link below.

Deadline: 15 January 2017.

Kind regards,

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