We offer 4 Postdoctoral Positions in Structural Biology in Geneva
(Switzerland) and Grenoble (France). 


These positions are available immediately in the laboratories of Profs.
Thanos Halazonetis, Robbie Loewith and Stéphane Thore at the Molecular
Biology department and the group of Dr. Christiane Schaffitzel at the EMBL
in Grenoble. We seek highly motivated and outstanding biochemists or
structural biologists to perform structure / function studies of large
kinases and their associated factors using X-ray crystallography and
electron microscopy techniques. These complexes are at the core of multiple
cellular responses like DNA damage, growth control or non-sense-mediated
decay. Defaults in these pathways are linked to diseases including cancer,
cystic fibrosis and others. Many  targeted proteins are highly relevant for
drug discovery. 


The positions are initially funded for three years. Strong candidates will
be encouraged and supported to apply for competitive fellowships. Candidate
should be within three years from obtaining their PhD degree. A strong
background in crystallography or in electron microscopy documented by an
excellent publication record is a plus for the candidates. 


Applications with CV, contact information for three references and a
description of the candidate's past research experience should be sent to

With best regards,



Stéphane Thore, Ph. D

Assistant Professor

Department of Molecular Biology

University of Geneva, Science III

30, Quai Ernest-Ansermet

1211 Geneva 4

Tel: + 41 (0) 22 379 61 27


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