Hi Mark,

I am that self professed 'Linux Snob', and the reason I'm saying that is
to show that I am generally one of the people that you are trying to
describe.  However, like you and your friends, I do use Windows for some
things, like the desktop (but not Office, except at work).  And like you
said, I am forced to use it at work because I want to feed my family.

Where we part ways is when you say "Windows folks are less prone to
sling mud on Linux than Linux on Windows."  I supposed it depends on
what you mean by 'sling mud', but unlike you, I am surrounded by people
that use Microsoft technologies 100% of the time.  I applaud your
efforts to use the best technology for your needs, but I for one am
always hearing this quote "Microsoft is the winner, so I am going to use
Microsoft", or this one "It is best for my career to focus on
Microsoft", or this one "I don't want to use non-Microsoft technologies
because I am afraid the results won't be compatible with the people I
work with".  I think there are fallacies in all of the above quotes, but
alas this is the prevailing 'wisdom' I am surrounded by.

However, I think that you and I are kind of arguing different points.
You probably don't think that the above people are 'mud slinging' on
Linux, and they probably aren't.  But when I would prefer to use a
minority technology, but I can't because of the above mentioned
incorrect beliefs, it very much feels like mud slinging.  Especially
when you've got Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer running around doing true
mud slinging against their competitors, and the hordes of Microsoft fans
listening and nodding their heads.  :)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark A Kruger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 8:28 AM
> Jacob,
> That was me, and I did not use the word "fanatic". I was responding to
> someone who declared themselves a "linux snob". I was only 
> speaking from
> personal experience. There are 6 developers here and we use a lot of
> technologies. No one has anything "bad" to say about Linux 
> and we use it for
> specific purposes. So, from my perspective it's true. Windows 
> folks are less
> prone to sling mud on Linux than Linux on Windows. My point 
> (wich I did not
> explain very well), is that this has more to do with the "power
> differential" than the merits of the OS.

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