[SOLVED] Re: NSViewController's representedObject and NSArrayController's selection don't mix?

2008-04-07 Thread Jacob Lukas
The problem ended up being that the object returned by - [NSArrayController selection] is a private proxy object, which dynamically proxies the current selection of the array controller. This means that the views were trying to stop observing the current selection's relationships, rather tha

Re: NSViewController's representedObject and NSArrayController's selection don't mix?

2008-04-07 Thread Jacob Lukas
In diagnosing this problem, I tried to use the NSKeyValueObservingOptionPrior when observing NSArrayController's selection, but I never got a observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context: where the change dictionary contained an NSKeyValueChangeNotificationIsPriorKey entry. This leads m

NSViewController's representedObject and NSArrayController's selection don't mix?

2008-04-06 Thread Jacob Lukas
I have a table of Core Data objects and a set of inspector views. Depending on the Class(es) of the selection in the table view, the set of inspector views changes. I managed the inspector views with NSViewControllers. The fields in the inspector view are bound to the view controller's re