Author: eevans
Date: Tue Dec 14 23:36:05 2010
New Revision: 1049331

CASSANDRA-1841: justify at 80 chars (instead of 81)

Patch by eevans


 Tue Dec 14 23:36:05 2010
@@ -317,16 +317,16 @@ public class CliUserHelp {
             state.out.println("List of all CLI commands:");
           Display this message.");
-            state.out.println("help;                                           
               Display this help.");
-            state.out.println("help <command>;                          
Display detailed, command-specific help.");
-            state.out.println("connect <hostname>/<port>;                      
       Connect to thrift service.");
-            state.out.println("use <keyspace> [<username> 'password'];         
            Switch to a keyspace.");
-            state.out.println("describe keyspace <keyspacename>;               
               Describe keyspace.");
-            state.out.println("exit;                                           
                        Exit CLI.");
-            state.out.println("quit;                                           
                        Exit CLI.");
-            state.out.println("show cluster name;                              
            Display cluster name.");
-            state.out.println("show keyspaces;                                 
          Show list of keyspaces.");
-            state.out.println("show api version;                               
         Show server API version.");
+            state.out.println("help;                                           
              Display this help.");
+            state.out.println("help <command>;                         Display 
detailed, command-specific help.");
+            state.out.println("connect <hostname>/<port>;                      
      Connect to thrift service.");
+            state.out.println("use <keyspace> [<username> 'password'];         
           Switch to a keyspace.");
+            state.out.println("describe keyspace <keyspacename>;               
              Describe keyspace.");
+            state.out.println("exit;                                           
                       Exit CLI.");
+            state.out.println("quit;                                           
                       Exit CLI.");
+            state.out.println("show cluster name;                              
           Display cluster name.");
+            state.out.println("show keyspaces;                                 
         Show list of keyspaces.");
+            state.out.println("show api version;                               
        Show server API version.");
             state.out.println("create keyspace <keyspace> [with 
<att1>=<value1> [and <att2>=<value2> ...]];");
             state.out.println("                Add a new keyspace with the 
specified attribute(s) and value(s).");
             state.out.println("update keyspace <keyspace> [with 
<att1>=<value1> [and <att2>=<value2> ...]];");
@@ -335,29 +335,30 @@ public class CliUserHelp {
             state.out.println("        Create a new column family with the 
specified attribute(s) and value(s).");
             state.out.println("update column family <cf> [with <att1>=<value1> 
[and <att2>=<value2> ...]];");
             state.out.println("            Update a column family with the 
specified attribute(s) and value(s).");
-            state.out.println("drop keyspace <keyspace>;                       
               Delete a keyspace.");
-            state.out.println("drop column family <cf>;                        
          Delete a column family.");
-            state.out.println("get <cf>['<key>'];                              
          Get a slice of columns.");
-            state.out.println("get <cf>['<key>']['<super>'];                   
      Get a slice of sub columns.");
-            state.out.println("get <cf> where <column> = <value> [and <column> 
> <value> and ...] [limit int];  ");
-            state.out.println("get <cf>['<key>']['<col>'] (as <type>)*;        
              Get a column value.");
-            state.out.println("get <cf>['<key>']['<super>']['<col>'] (as 
<type>)*;       Get a sub column value.");
-            state.out.println("set <cf>['<key>']['<col>'] = <value> (with ttl 
= <secs>)*;          Set a column.");
-            state.out.println("set <cf>['<key>']['<super>']['<col>'] = <value> 
(with ttl = <secs>)*;   Set a sub column.");
-            state.out.println("del <cf>['<key>'];                              
                   Delete record.");
-            state.out.println("del <cf>['<key>']['<col>'];                     
                   Delete column.");
-            state.out.println("del <cf>['<key>']['<super>']['<col>'];          
               Delete sub column.");
-            state.out.println("count <cf>['<key>'];                            
         Count columns in record.");
-            state.out.println("count <cf>['<key>']['<super>'];                 
 Count columns in a super column.");
-            state.out.println("truncate <column_family>;                       
Truncate specified column family.");
+            state.out.println("drop keyspace <keyspace>;                       
              Delete a keyspace.");
+            state.out.println("drop column family <cf>;                        
         Delete a column family.");
+            state.out.println("get <cf>['<key>'];                              
         Get a slice of columns.");
+            state.out.println("get <cf>['<key>']['<super>'];                   
     Get a slice of sub columns.");
+            state.out.println("get <cf> where <column> = <value> [and <column> 
> <value> and ...] [limit int]; ");
+            state.out.println("get <cf>['<key>']['<col>'] (as <type>)*;        
             Get a column value.");
+            state.out.println("get <cf>['<key>']['<super>']['<col>'] (as 
<type>)*;      Get a sub column value.");
+            state.out.println("set <cf>['<key>']['<col>'] = <value> (with ttl 
= <secs>)*;         Set a column.");
+            state.out.println("set <cf>['<key>']['<super>']['<col>'] = <value> 
(with ttl = <secs>)*;");
+            state.out.println("                                                
               Set a sub column.");
+            state.out.println("del <cf>['<key>'];                              
                  Delete record.");
+            state.out.println("del <cf>['<key>']['<col>'];                     
                  Delete column.");
+            state.out.println("del <cf>['<key>']['<super>']['<col>'];          
              Delete sub column.");
+            state.out.println("count <cf>['<key>'];                            
        Count columns in record.");
+            state.out.println("count <cf>['<key>']['<super>'];                 
Count columns in a super column.");
+            state.out.println("truncate <column_family>;                      
Truncate specified column family.");
             state.out.println("assume <column_family> <attribute> as <type>;");
-            state.out.println(" Assume one of the attributes of the given 
column family to match specified type.");
-            state.out.println("list <cf>;                                    
List all rows in the column family.");
+            state.out.println("              Assume a given column family 
attributes to match a specified type.");
+            state.out.println("list <cf>;                                   
List all rows in the column family.");
             state.out.println("list <cf>[<startKey>:];");
-            state.out.println("                        List rows in the column 
family beginning with <startKey>.");
+            state.out.println("                       List rows in the column 
family beginning with <startKey>.");
             state.out.println("list <cf>[<startKey>:<endKey>];");
-            state.out.println("         List rows in the column family in the 
range from <startKey> to <endKey>.");
-            state.out.println("list ... limit N;                               
     Limit the list results to N.");
+            state.out.println("        List rows in the column family in the 
range from <startKey> to <endKey>.");
+            state.out.println("list ... limit N;                               
    Limit the list results to N.");

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