Re: [D] On WSL2/Windows, constantly getting "Heartbeat failed with Exception: PID of job runner does not match" warnings [airflow]

2024-12-28 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user Mohamedabdurahmanhassan added a comment to the discussion: On 
WSL2/Windows, constantly getting "Heartbeat failed with Exception: PID of job 
runner does not match" warnings

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Re: [D] On WSL2/Windows, constantly getting "Heartbeat failed with Exception: PID of job runner does not match" warnings [airflow]

2024-12-28 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user Mohamedabdurahmanhassan added a comment to the discussion: On 
WSL2/Windows, constantly getting "Heartbeat failed with Exception: PID of job 
runner does not match" warnings

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Re: [D] On WSL2/Windows, constantly getting "Heartbeat failed with Exception: PID of job runner does not match" warnings [airflow]

2024-12-28 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user Mohamedabdurahmanhassan added a comment to the discussion: On 
WSL2/Windows, constantly getting "Heartbeat failed with Exception: PID of job 
runner does not match" warnings

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Re: [D] On WSL2/Windows, constantly getting "Heartbeat failed with Exception: PID of job runner does not match" warnings [airflow]

2024-12-28 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user Mohamedabdurahmanhassan added a comment to the discussion: On 
WSL2/Windows, constantly getting "Heartbeat failed with Exception: PID of job 
runner does not match" warnings

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Re: [D] On WSL2/Windows, constantly getting "Heartbeat failed with Exception: PID of job runner does not match" warnings [airflow]

2024-12-11 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user yarong-lifemap added a comment to the discussion: On WSL2/Windows, 
constantly getting "Heartbeat failed with Exception: PID of job runner does not 
match" warnings

We use it on our development and production machine under Windows/WSL since 
we're running on .Net. That said, we also run on-prem and single machine 
implementations, though our DAGs have > 300 tasks in them.

I'll see if I can try to play with the execute_tasks_new_python_interpreter or 
otherwise try to trace the issue. For now we've just disabled the message since 
it's polluting the log.

Thanks again for all your hard work - Airflow is an amazing orchestrator that 
has simplified our lives significantly.

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Re: [D] On WSL2/Windows, constantly getting "Heartbeat failed with Exception: PID of job runner does not match" warnings [airflow]

2024-12-11 Thread via GitHub

GitHub user potiuk added a comment to the discussion: On WSL2/Windows, 
constantly getting "Heartbeat failed with Exception: PID of job runner does not 
match" warnings

I think you need to provide a bit more information. Windows/WSL2 is not really 
a target platform for airflow runtime for "production" and we do not run any 
tests with it.

But maybe - if you can do some analysis and provide more information we can 
attempt to help you in your problem. 

You can try to gather some more logs and information - i.e. gather more 
detailed logs from example tasks - to see which processes have been created - 
if you look and trace it in the logs and send us the info, maybe we can help 
you to figure out some workarounds. Track what processes are being created. 
Also if you are using `run_as_user` - feature, there might be a problem with 
WSL2 or your impersonation user settings.

There few parameters you can try -
 might be something worth trying. 

Converting to a discussion, as Windows/WSL2 is not a target runtime platform - 
but there might be a discussion coming out of it.

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