Re: [PR] [fix](exit) stop storage engine in exec_env before exit (#42015) [doris]

2024-11-02 Thread via GitHub

dataroaring merged PR #43141:

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Re: [PR] [fix](exit) stop storage engine in exec_env before exit (#42015) [doris]

2024-11-02 Thread via GitHub

doris-robot commented on PR #43141:

   TPC-DS: Total hot run time: 193026 ms
   machine: 'aliyun_ecs.c7a.8xlarge_32C64G'
   TPC-DS sf100 test result on commit f56d747d41c9418617b9e6250667d2e8d9850e3a, 
data reload: false
   query1   1257927 914 914
   query2   6240204520592045
   query3   10780   365537433655
   query4   66525   27044   23459   23459
   query5   5531458 430 430
   query6   457 169 162 162
   query7   6242305 297 297
   query8   341 234 229 229
   query9   9369263826202620
   query10  506 265 245 245
   query11  17965   15181   15856   15181
   query12  154 109 102 102
   query13  1594428 404 404
   query14  12183   710468756875
   query15  210 183 189 183
   query16  7242498 467 467
   query17  1055556 550 550
   query18  1855303 289 289
   query19  199 150 152 150
   query20  113 105 108 105
   query21  206 98  101 98
   query22  4562416041214121
   query23  34218   33523   33728   33523
   query24  5680286628422842
   query25  542 403 398 398
   query26  670 159 162 159
   query27  1703290 292 290
   query28  4084251124702470
   query29  682 429 424 424
   query30  240 157 151 151
   query31  975 792 811 792
   query32  66  54  55  54
   query33  455 277 273 273
   query34  940 481 486 481
   query35  845 712 720 712
   query36  1069927 929 927
   query37  120 74  74  74
   query38  3894382538523825
   query39  1490145614201420
   query40  192 99  98  98
   query41  50  49  49  49
   query42  110 93  95  93
   query43  502 454 475 454
   query44  1113777 758 758
   query45  181 165 161 161
   query46  1104699 697 697
   query47  1929179418111794
   query48  456 363 369 363
   query49  752 394 386 386
   query50  803 403 418 403
   query51  7273698071446980
   query52  99  95  92  92
   query53  257 185 181 181
   query54  555 442 467 442
   query55  74  75  73  73
   query56  240 266 231 231
   query57  1186111310651065
   query58  206 223 202 202
   query59  3276292030162920
   query60  270 246 241 241
   query61  103 122 94  94
   query62  780 670 645 645
   query63  214 185 185 185
   query64  1685607 629 607
   query65  3256315231813152
   query66  736 324 293 293
   query67  15783   15317   15465   15317
   query68  4484526 537 526
   query69  424 262 247 247
   query70  1118112011051105
   query71  403 249 257 249
   query72  6388381838933818
   query73  763 334 338 334
   query74  10085   902288088808
   query75  3368264726382638
   query76  1980988 932 932
   query77  536 262 260 260
   query78  10607   965994479447
   query79  11888   593 587 587
   query80  2266412 417 412
   query81  542 247 253 247
   query82  1072121 113 113
   query83  309 144 136 136
   query84  284 83  85  83
   query85  1764295 275 275
   query86  452 301 305 301
   query87  4468424441294129
   query88  5919240324192403
   query89  541 290 294 290
   query90  2175178 183 178
   query91  171 138 142 138
   query92  63  47  48  47
   query93  7431529 525 525
   query94  938 289 279 279
   query95  343 257 247 247
   query96  619 281 290 281
   query97  3386316431303130
   query98  228 196 194 194
   query99  1670129512961295
   Total cold run time: 342129 ms
   Total hot run time: 193026 ms

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Re: [PR] [fix](exit) stop storage engine in exec_env before exit (#42015) [doris]

2024-11-02 Thread via GitHub

doris-robot commented on PR #43141:

   TPC-H: Total hot run time: 40371 ms
   machine: 'aliyun_ecs.c7a.8xlarge_32C64G'
   Tpch sf100 test result on commit f56d747d41c9418617b9e6250667d2e8d9850e3a, 
data reload: false
   -- Round 1 --
   q1   17570   738473087308
   q2   2061154 148 148
   q3   10724   106611131066
   q4   10554   719 710 710
   q5   7720277828152778
   q6   235 149 144 144
   q7   978 633 590 590
   q8   9559192419651924
   q9   6946643764046404
   q10  6988227123092271
   q11  468 252 255 252
   q12  414 217 201 201
   q13  1   295929912959
   q14  246 220 207 207
   q15  567 498 504 498
   q16  662 623 611 611
   q17  975 519 573 519
   q18  7160654264856485
   q19  1921108411011084
   q20  493 197 191 191
   q21  3907325930663066
   q22  1091978 955 955
   Total cold run time: 109016 ms
   Total hot run time: 40371 ms
   - Round 2, with runtime_filter_mode=off -
   q1   7356724072237223
   q2   321 231 231 231
   q3   2839288828352835
   q4   1985174018161740
   q5   5690566856955668
   q6   221 139 141 139
   q7   2160173617521736
   q8   3305351335033503
   q9   8703883888758838
   q10  3547349434713471
   q11  603 530 501 501
   q12  767 575 629 575
   q13  16435   315031803150
   q14  314 272 266 266
   q15  567 510 524 510
   q16  722 660 682 660
   q17  1840162816281628
   q18  8079781876347634
   q19  5813158815061506
   q20  2114183818601838
   q21  5479523952495239
   q22  1115106910111011
   Total cold run time: 79975 ms
   Total hot run time: 59902 ms

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Re: [PR] [fix](exit) stop storage engine in exec_env before exit (#42015) [doris]

2024-11-02 Thread via GitHub

dataroaring commented on PR #43141:

   run buildall

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Re: [PR] [fix](exit) stop storage engine in exec_env before exit (#42015) [doris]

2024-11-02 Thread via GitHub

doris-robot commented on PR #43141:

   Thank you for your contribution to Apache Doris.
   Don't know what should be done next? See [How to process your 
   Since 2024-03-18, the Document has been moved to 
   See [Doris 

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[PR] [fix](exit) stop storage engine in exec_env before exit (#42015) [doris]

2024-11-02 Thread via GitHub

dataroaring opened a new pull request, #43141:

   ### What problem does this PR solve?
   Issue Number: close #xxx
   Related PR: #xxx
   Problem Summary:
   ### Check List (For Committer)
   - Test 
   - [ ] Regression test
   - [ ] Unit Test
   - [ ] Manual test (add detailed scripts or steps below)
   - [ ] No need to test or manual test. Explain why:
   - [ ] This is a refactor/code format and no logic has been changed.
   - [ ] Previous test can cover this change.
   - [ ] No colde files have been changed.
   - [ ] Other reason 
   - Behavior changed:
   - [ ] No.
   - [ ] Yes. 
   - Does this need documentation?
   - [ ] No.
   - [ ] Yes. 
   - Release note
   ### Check List (For Reviewer who merge this PR)
   - [ ] Confirm the release note
   - [ ] Confirm test cases
   - [ ] Confirm document
   - [ ] Add branch pick label 

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