Re: [PR] branch-3.0: [improvement](mysql)Support mysql COM_RESET_CONNECTION command. #44747 [doris]

2024-12-01 Thread via GitHub

Jibing-Li merged PR #44787:

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Re: [PR] branch-3.0: [improvement](mysql)Support mysql COM_RESET_CONNECTION command. #44747 [doris]

2024-11-29 Thread via GitHub

doris-robot commented on PR #44787:

   TPC-DS: Total hot run time: 189212 ms
   machine: 'aliyun_ecs.c7a.8xlarge_32C64G'
   TPC-DS sf100 test result on commit f542cd461fe859177eec8d7bef93946f4db71dcc, 
data reload: false
   query1   977 369 370 369
   query2   6551206420122012
   query3   6701208 221 208
   query4   34116   23342   23219   23219
   query5   4291436 432 432
   query6   261 172 176 172
   query7   4610306 311 306
   query8   278 229 220 220
   query9   9611266526512651
   query10  488 279 247 247
   query11  18062   15110   15127   15110
   query12  156 104 98  98
   query13  1628417 422 417
   query14  683967686768
   query15  217 178 180 178
   query16  7963523 474 474
   query17  1630570 551 551
   query18  2063305 296 296
   query19  207 157 150 150
   query20  115 110 107 107
   query21  215 107 102 102
   query22  4297405340394039
   query23  34725   33593   33813   33593
   query24  12314   281528122812
   query25  718 403 394 394
   query26  1839163 162 162
   query27  2997289 298 289
   query28  8235248524772477
   query29  1086453 433 433
   query30  326 156 159 156
   query31  1001804 787 787
   query32  101 56  58  56
   query33  792 293 266 266
   query34  1018476 512 476
   query35  824 709 714 709
   query36  1092929 956 929
   query37  275 74  71  71
   query38  3932385238573852
   query39  1473144914521449
   query40  284 102 101 101
   query41  53  51  49  49
   query42  110 97  94  94
   query43  521 477 473 473
   query44  1155782 791 782
   query45  181 169 166 166
   query46  1136726 696 696
   query47  1902181517891789
   query48  463 384 365 365
   query49  1313392 383 383
   query50  804 418 411 411
   query51  7232714270897089
   query52  104 98  85  85
   query53  271 188 183 183
   query54  1345478 458 458
   query55  77  78  76  76
   query56  274 247 247 247
   query57  1180109611031096
   query58  239 227 242 227
   query59  3157283029632830
   query60  281 248 253 248
   query61  107 104 109 104
   query62  851 665 675 665
   query63  211 182 177 177
   query64  5247653 604 604
   query65  3258317331713171
   query66  1446310 303 303
   query67  15855   15455   15302   15302
   query68  4901548 546 546
   query69  415 255 256 255
   query70  1139112411201120
   query71  445 249 250 249
   query72  6349400739333933
   query73  776 334 332 332
   query74  10137   896088318831
   query75  3472263626282628
   query76  2867102510171017
   query77  437 257 258 257
   query78  10665   959994669466
   query79  9496573 603 573
   query80  2108420 412 412
   query81  569 232 236 232
   query82  1388116 111 111
   query83  280 137 138 137
   query84  288 79  77  77
   query85  2382306 296 296
   query86  500 306 308 306
   query87  4461422542064206
   query88  5781240124132401
   query89  557 284 294 284
   query90  2236178 184 178
   query91  179 147 141 141
   query92  65  49  47  47
   query93  7565551 557 551
   query94  1003283 288 283
   query95  347 254 255 254
   query96  646 283 281 281
   query97  3318311631213116
   query98  222 197 193 193
   query99  1794128812891288
   Total cold run time: 323029 ms
   Total hot run time: 189212 ms

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Re: [PR] branch-3.0: [improvement](mysql)Support mysql COM_RESET_CONNECTION command. #44747 [doris]

2024-11-29 Thread via GitHub

doris-robot commented on PR #44787:

   TPC-H: Total hot run time: 40824 ms
   machine: 'aliyun_ecs.c7a.8xlarge_32C64G'
   Tpch sf100 test result on commit f542cd461fe859177eec8d7bef93946f4db71dcc, 
data reload: false
   -- Round 1 --
   q1   18095   751074537453
   q2   2935180 152 152
   q3   10915   112712091127
   q4   10582   796 726 726
   q5   8195285028192819
   q6   240 145 147 145
   q7   977 614 604 604
   q8   9782205919941994
   q9   6698637063926370
   q10  6994227523022275
   q11  463 266 264 264
   q12  403 218 219 218
   q13  17775   298129912981
   q14  232 210 214 210
   q15  619 519 503 503
   q16  688 609 614 609
   q17  959 600 579 579
   q18  7310657265666566
   q19  16071108869 869
   q20  481 204 212 204
   q21  3888320632033203
   q22  1113953 970 953
   Total cold run time: 110951 ms
   Total hot run time: 40824 ms
   - Round 2, with runtime_filter_mode=off -
   q1   7343727172797271
   q2   319 230 228 228
   q3   3151299528832883
   q4   1984176017691760
   q5   5618566655945594
   q6   222 140 140 140
   q7   2162175917611759
   q8   348434603460
   q9   8758886088348834
   q10  3548352235353522
   q11  598 506 508 506
   q12  765 587 596 587
   q13  17175   303429372937
   q14  279 251 263 251
   q15  558 499 491 491
   q16  691 647 650 647
   q17  1782156715591559
   q18  7911746572597259
   q19  2922152514871487
   q20  1961178217891782
   q21  5087493949714939
   q22  1072992 974 974
   Total cold run time: 77239 ms
   Total hot run time: 58870 ms

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Re: [PR] branch-3.0: [improvement](mysql)Support mysql COM_RESET_CONNECTION command. #44747 [doris]

2024-11-29 Thread via GitHub

doris-robot commented on PR #44787:

   Thank you for your contribution to Apache Doris.
   Don't know what should be done next? See [How to process your 
   Please clearly describe your PR:
   1. What problem was fixed (it's best to include specific error reporting 
information). How it was fixed.
   2. Which behaviors were modified. What was the previous behavior, what is it 
now, why was it modified, and what possible impacts might there be.
   3. What features were added. Why was this function added?
   4. Which code was refactored and why was this part of the code refactored?
   5. Which functions were optimized and what is the difference before and 
after the optimization?

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Re: [PR] branch-3.0: [improvement](mysql)Support mysql COM_RESET_CONNECTION command. #44747 [doris]

2024-11-29 Thread via GitHub

dataroaring closed pull request #44787: branch-3.0: [improvement](mysql)Support 
mysql COM_RESET_CONNECTION command. #44747

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Re: [PR] branch-3.0: [improvement](mysql)Support mysql COM_RESET_CONNECTION command. #44747 [doris]

2024-11-29 Thread via GitHub

doris-robot commented on PR #44787:

   run buildall

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