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The following page has been changed by sandymac:

   ||Add your questions/answers here.||
- If I have multiple threads calling into my method which contains the 
borrowObject call,
+ Q: If I have multiple threads calling into my method which contains the 
borrowObject call,
  do I have to synchronize around this, or are borrowObject and returnObject 
thread safe?
- What is the general purpose of pooling Interfaces ?
+ A: They appear to be thread safe. I haven't extensively studied the source 
the relevant code is synchronized.
+ Q: What is the general purpose of pooling Interfaces ?
- ''You don't pool interfaces but objects implementing the interfaces.
+ A: ''You don't pool interfaces but objects implementing the interfaces.
  An object pool is used to reduce the cost of creating/destroying the pooled 
object (memory,CPU and other resources).
  Commons-Pool provides several general purpose implementations of different 
pooling strategies. 
  See also [ developers 

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