Hi folks!

FileUpload is a great job, but I can suppose it's not convinient in some configurations. Since request input stream is beeing read when we try to read a first parameter from a request, there is no guarantee that a request passed to a servlet had not been parsed already (for example as a result of a filter work).
In this situation more convinient way is a request wrapper. If request has multipart/* type we substitute original request by our wrapper. In this situation we have guarantee that multipart request always will be parsed as multipart.
If intersting we have an implementation of such wrapper and can submit it to community. Our implementation is flexible and allows write custom types of parameters. For example we have 2 base type of paramters - transient (multipart data is stored in memory) and Persistent (multipart data is stored on disk). There is a corresponding API for creating a new type of parameters.

Andrey Aristarkhov

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