ozeigermann    2005/01/09 15:10:06

  Added:       transaction/xdocs/locks concepts.xml deadlock2.png
                        deadlock1.png deadlock.xml deadlock3.png
  Added section about deadlock detection and start for concept section
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/transaction/xdocs/locks/concepts.xml
  Index: concepts.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <title>Locking concepts</title>
    <author email="commons-dev@jakarta.apache.org">Commons Documentation 
  <section name="Locking Concepts">
  <subsection name="Rudimentary Transaction support for GenericLockManager 
implementing LockManager2">
    - Transaction wide lock management
    - Global transaction timeouts
    - Deadlock detection
  <subsection name="Extended Locking capacities of GenricLock implementing 
    - preference locks
    - waiter recording and management
    - improved debugging with toString
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/transaction/xdocs/locks/deadlock2.png
        <<Binary file>>
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/transaction/xdocs/locks/deadlock1.png
        <<Binary file>>
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/transaction/xdocs/locks/deadlock.xml
  Index: deadlock.xml
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <title>Locking: Deadlocks</title>
    <author email="commons-dev@jakarta.apache.org">Commons Documentation 
  <section name="Deadlocks">
   <p>A deadlock describes the scenario where two or more threads are
   mutually blocking each other. Each waits for the other to release its
   lock which will never happen as no thread can perform any
   action. Consider the following figure for illustration this. Thread #1 holds 
  a, b and c and waits for lock d. Thread #2 holds locks d and e and
  waits for lock b. As lock d is owner by Thread #2, Thread #1 can not
   continue before Thread #2 releases it. Now Thread #2 waits for lock b
   which is turn is owner by Thread #1.</p>
  <img src="deadlock1.png"/>
  <p> Neither thread will ever be able
   to release any locks as both executions are blocked: the whole scene is dead!
    <subsection name="How does deadlock detection work?">
  <p>Theoretically, deadlock detection is pretty simple. First you have threads
  that own locks, then you have threads that wait for locks to
  acquire. Now you can think of a directed graph where you have
  threads and locks being nodes and each lock ownership and lock wait is
  a vertex that connects those nodes. When you have a cycle in that
  graph, i.e. when you can traverse the (directed!) graph starting from a 
  node and you can reach that node again, you have a deadlock. This
  means a thread waits for itself to release a lock to 
  finally acquire a desired lock. Obviously, this will never happen
  without taking additional actions from the outside. Such an action
  could be to release the block for one thread telling it that there was
  a deadlock and the thread shall resolve it now it is able to perform 
  <p>This can be illustrated with the above figure. Traversing the graph 
starting from Thread #1 going
  over lock b, Thread #2, lock d and finally Thread #1 (again) reveals
  the cycle and thus the deadlock. Note that of course you could just as
  well have started with Thread #2 and would have revealed the same cycle.
    <subsection name="How does deadlock detection work for commons 
  <p>In case of commons transaction things are a bit more complicated
  as a lock can have multiple (compatible) threads or better to say
  owners - lock ownership is not directly tied to the thread accessing
  the lock, but to an Object called owner. It can well be possible
  that an owner can both (partially) own a lock and wait for it as
  well. This may sound confusing, but actually becomes pretty obvious
  when you look at this example. There is a read/write lock and both owner #1
  and #2 hold a read lock which of course is compatible. Now when owner
  #1 ties to acquire a write lock it will have to wait for owner #2 to
  release its read lock. In such a case owner #1 both (partially) holds
  the lock and waits for it as illustrated by the following figure.</p>
  <img src="deadlock2.png"/>
  <p>The above algorithm would detect a deadlock. This of course is not there
  as owner #1 is blocked, but owner #2 is not and may finally release the read
  lock. This means the scenario is not dead.</p>
  <p>Obviously, the wait set of the lock is the problem. The graph does not
  tell us why owner #1 is waiting. In fact it does not wait for owner #1, but
  only for owner #2. Lookig at the next figure we see this. Both owners
  only own part of the lock and owner #1 is waiting for that part of
  the lock that owner #2 owns. 
  <img src="deadlock3.png"/>
  <p>Thus the algorithm has to be modified in such a way that only the
    real conflicting parts of the locks are taken into consideration. </p>
    <subsection name="The real algorithm">
  <p>This algorithm checks if the given owner is part of a deadlock. by 
traversing all paths of the lock/owner
  depedency graph as described above. The graph is directed, so it is
  clear in which direction we are traversing it. Please note that no
  physical graph is constructed, but is implicite in the code and the
  stack structure.</p>
  1 : <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">protected</FONT></B> <B><FONT 
COLOR="#A020F0">boolean</FONT></B> wouldDeadlock(Object ownerId, Set path) {
  2 :     path.add(ownerId);
  3 :     Set locks = (Set) globalOwners.get(ownerId);
  4 :     <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">for</FONT></B> (Iterator i = 
locks.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
  5 :         GenericLock mylock = (GenericLock) i.next();
  6 :         Collection conflicts = mylock.getConflictingWaiters(ownerId);
  7 :         <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">for</FONT></B> (Iterator j = 
conflicts.iterator(); j.hasNext();) {
  8 :             Object waitingOwnerId = j.next();
  9 :             <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">if</FONT></B> 
(path.contains(waitingOwnerId)) {
  10:                 <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">return</FONT></B> <B><FONT 
  11:             } <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">else</FONT></B> <B><FONT 
COLOR="#A020F0">if</FONT></B> (wouldDeadlock(waitingOwnerId, path)) {
  12:                 <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">return</FONT></B> <B><FONT 
  13:             }
  14:         }
  15:     }
  16:     path.remove(ownerId);
  17:     <B><FONT COLOR="#A020F0">return</FONT></B> <B><FONT 
  18: }
  <p>In <em>lines 3-5</em> it inspects all locks it (partially) holds and finds 
  owners that are currently waiting for given owner. As explained above
  <em>lines 6-8</em> GenericLock#getConflictingWaiters does not traverse all 
owners waiting for the lock, but only those that are
  waiting for the part of the lock acquired by the given owner. Those
  owners will need investigation if the current owner - or anyone else
  waiting for it - is also waiting for them. If so we have a deadlock.</p>
  <p>Both to guarantee termination and actually find out if there is such a
  cycle indicating a deadlock in the graph <em>lines 2 and 16</em> we
  remember the owners of all paths we traverse. As the sequence is not
  important we store them in a set for fast access. In <em>lines
  9-10</em> we check if the owner already is in our path and if so we
  have been here before which means there is a cycle in the graph and we
  thus have a deadlock. If not, in <em>lines 11-12</em> we recursively repeat 
the check for each owner that
  waits for us. As the graph is directed and finite this algorithm
  either terminates with false in <em>line 17</em> or there is a cycle
  in it which will be detected as explained above and will lead to a
  termination with true. You can see that in both cases the algorithm 
  1.1                  jakarta-commons/transaction/xdocs/locks/deadlock3.png
        <<Binary file>>

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