It's the timestamp version of the snapshot. Maven generate always it when it is 
deployed to the repository.

In your pom you use -SNAPSHOT and maven will find the latest snapshot available 
in the repo with timestamped version


Wojtek Ciesielski a écrit :
Hi there,
I've noticed that artifacts deployed by continuum server do have extended version number... In the POM file the version specified is 1.0-SNAPSHOT but in the repository I'm getting artifacts like my-module-1.0-20070213.093006-5.jar. It causes that a module from repository handled by continuum is being loaded while a newer module (which is named 1.0-SNAPSHOT) is already deployed to my local repository by local mvn build... Could you suggest what would be a best practice to handle this?
I would greatly appreciate any kind of help with this issue... Is this OK that while building project on my local workstation Maven is downloading artefacts from build server, because they have "longer" (ie. more precise") build id than just 1.0-SNAPSHOT we have locally defined?

Give me something, please


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