-Caveat Lector-


Quoting a Government Accounting Office report, The Miami Herald noted
that DynCorp "has been paid at least $270 million since 1991 to provide airplane
and helicopter pilots and mechanics for the war on drugs in Colombia, Peru, Bolivia,
Ecuador and Guatemala." Jason Vest reported in the Nation that DynCorp oversees
a fleet of 46 helicopters and 23 airplanes from an Air Force base in Florida.

The Nation obtained a copy of DynCorp's contract, which states that along with
"fumigation and search-and-rescue," DynCorp's other responsibilities include
"flying localtroops in to destroy drug labs and coca or poppy fields." A nifty enabler,
the guise of fighting drugs allows the U.S. to fly troops around in other
countries' civil wars. This February DynCorp employees flew into the midst
of a firefight to rescue Colombian police shot down by leftist guerillas.

As to DynCorp's domestic drug-war boodle -- its five-year, $316 million
contract helping the Department of Justice seize assets -- there's been
little public notice of it outside National Defense magazine. DynCorp told
the magazine that most of the 1,000 staffers involved in the program, funded
through 2003, hold "'secret' clearances and have been involved in more than
60,000 seizures in the United States. Among other things, they provide
'criminal-intelligence collection and analysis, forensic support and asset
identification and tracking.'" So this band of retired military honchos has
1,000 operatives with some sort of "secret" mojo, spying on the American
public at the feds' behest and helping to hoover up vast sums of money in
over 60,000 seizures . . . According to the Chicago Sun-Times, "In 80
percent of forfeitures, in fact, charges never are filed."

The paper put the total value of assets seized since 1985 by all levels of
government at more than $7 billion. It's easy, when safeguards we take for
granted in criminal proceedings are reversed: current law presumes that the
property is guilty,and owners have to spend time and money proving that "it"
wasn't involved in a crime.

MORE http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=10927

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