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Click Here: <A
-3607636#18997980483000">Amazon.com: Editorial Reviews: Red Cocaine: The…</A>
With this BS being printed and reprinted and with Ray Cline trying to give it
the imprimatur of Conventional Wisdom and authority is telling.

Also notice with the title this "book" can be confused with Rodney Stich's
newest virtual indictment  "Drugging of America."

With disgust felt towards these treasonous elite-deviants . .



    Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America and the West
by Joseph D. Douglass, Ray S. Cline (Foreword), Christopher Story (Editor)

Our Price: $35.00

Availability: This title usually ships within 4-6 weeks. Please note that
titles occasionally go out of print or publishers run out of stock. We will
notify you within 2-3 weeks if we have trouble obtaining this title.
Paperback - (June 1, 1999) 182 pages

Editorial Reviews

The author, Joseph D. Douglass Jr.  , November 2, 1999
Red Cocaine describes the origins of our narcotics problem.

Global criminal capitalism now exceeds $2 trillion per year. Its base is
illegal drugs, that have corrupted national political systems and
international finance. The war on drugs has been a failure because the nature
of the drug problem is misunderstood, or should I say, "politically
protected." Red Cocaine describes in detail the Chinese and Russian
intelligence origins of the trafficking, its political protection by Western
governments, and the unbelievably great threat to our social, political,
financial, and legal systems that the illegal drugs and allied activities now
presents. For those who are interested in intelligence operations, Red
Cocaine is, to my knowledge, the only existing description of a communist
strategic intelligence, from inception to planning, to strategy, to
execution, with details from a top-level insider. The introduction by the
former deputy director of CIA, Dr Ray Cline, is itself a valuable
contribution. It is not an enjoyable message, but a factual, revealing, and
powerful politically incorrect account of where the drugs came from, how the
trafficking strategy was developed, who developed the cocaine trafficking
into a strategic weapon, and how governments, including our own, have
protected the trade. The war on drugs has not failed; there has never been a
war on drugs. The resultant cost to our nation is enormous and growing, with
no solution in sight, by design.

About the Author
Dr Joseph Douglass is a national security analyst and author with expertise
in defence policy, threat assessment, deception, intelligence and political
warfare, nuclear strategy, terrorism, advanced chemical and biological
warfare agents and applications, and international narcotics trafficking.
Since the mid-1980s, his primary focus has been research into various
dimensions of cultural warfare and notably into the illegal drugs plague,
with emphasis on its origins, support structures, marketing - and the
question: 'What can be done?' Dr Douglass received his PhD in electrical
engineering from Cornell University in 1962 and has taught at Cornell, the
Navy Postgraduate School at Monterey, and Johns Hopkins School of Advanced
International Relations in Washington, D.C.. He has worked in and for the
national laboratories (Sandia Corporation], the US Government, where he was
Deputy and Acting Director, Tactical Technology Office, Advanced Research
Projects Agency - and with various defence contractors, such as the Institute
for Defense Analyses and System Planning Corporation. He is a former member
of the Weapons Systems Evaluation Group, US Army Science Board, and a former
consultant to the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and Senate Foreign
Relations Committee. He currently directs The Redwood Institute, which was
formed to address the internal problems America faces - such as illegal
drugs, crime and impoverished education - and to identify root causes,
evaluate national policy and devise alternative policy options.

The Author is a pioneering analyst and is perhaps best known for his
ground-breaking studies of nuclear weapons policy, the impact of
precision-guided munitions, the nature of the Soviet nuclear threat, the
risks arising from chemical and biological warfare agents, and intelligence
aspects of international narcotics trafficking. His unclassified books
include The Theater Nuclear Offensive [1976, reprinted ten times]; Soviet
Strategy for War in Europe [Pergamon Press, 1980, also translated into and
published in German]; Soviet Strategy for Nuclear War [Hoover Institute
Press, 1979: numerous printings, translated into and published in Japanese];
CBW: The Poor man's Atomic Bomb [Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis,
1984]; Why the Soviet Union Violates Arms Control Treaties
[Pergamon-Brassey's, 1988]; Conventional War and Escalation [The National
Strategy Information Center, 1981]; The Superpowers and Strategic War
Termination [co-editor, Pergamon-Brassey's, 1989]; and the present work,
originally entitled: Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America [1990]. This new
edition has been prepared with a view to meeting continuing demand for the
work, in both the United States and elsewhere, following the strategic
adjustment completed in 1991 when the Communist strategists switched to
pursuing their manic World Revolutionary objectives through covert Communism
and a 'new form' of reversible 'state-controlled capitalism' - working, as
Lenin taught his 'illuminated' followers, 'by other means'.

The publisher, Christopher Story [EMAIL PROTECTED]  , July 29, 1999
Shipping time: usually ships within 1 week, not 4-6 weeks.

RED COCAINE is normally shipped by the publisher within one week of order, or
sooner. Do not delay ordering this book, which fingers the continuing
Communists as the world's primary drug barons. Written by the leading US
expert on Soviet/Chinese drug operations, it contains much new and updated
intelligence on the global drugs scourge - explaining that the West is the
victim of a long-term drug offensive directed by Soviet/Russian and Chinese
intelligence, and that Moscow corrupted certain Western banks from the outset
by selecting them to launder the proceeds of its international drug
trafficking. To understand the complete picture, order the following
companion volume as well: The Perestroika Deception, by the genuine Soviet
defector, Anatoliy Golitsyn, also available thru Amazon.com.

Excerpted from Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America and the West by Joseph D.
Douglass, Christopher Story, Catherine L. Story, Ray S. Cline. Copyright ©
1999. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved

'In 1996, annual revenues derived from global criminalist activities were
estimated by the World Bank's experts at $1.2 trillion, of which $500 billion
were thought to represent profits. These were and remain highly conservative
estimates. The narcotics trade alone is in the $500 billion or more range. A
more realistic estimate today would probably be of the order of $2 trillion
per year - with $1 trillion, more or less, by way of straight profit; and
some experts would raise these estimates further, towards $3.0 trillion
annually in turnover. That is to say, governments, banks and the global
criminalists are arranging the transfer of at least $1.0 trillion every year
of national and private wealth into the bank accounts of the global criminal
fraternity - a massive transfer of wealth for which there has been no
historical parallel. This scandalous state of affairs has been continuing for
several decades on an ever expanding scale, and the power conferred as a
consequence threatens to destroy governments, democracy and the international
banking system itself. Drug money also weakens and corrodes competition by
favouring some economic agents at the expense of others'.

'Two trillion+ dollars a year (a conservative figure, as noted) over the past
two decades, excluding interest, would imply that more than $40 trillion will
have been added to the wealth of the global criminal classes, including the
managers and representatives of Lenin's continuing world socialist
revolution. Most of this money has been invested in property, bonds and
stocks, and each year a further trillion or more dollars is added to the
pool. Given that these data are believed by some experts to understate the
position, the probable value of accrued drug money lodged in the
international financial system now exceeds this $40 trillion estimate by a
considerable margin. The associated corruption among financial institutions,
investment advisory services (including stock brokerage houses and mutual
funds), prestigious law firms, and among the political classes, has by now
long since reached epidemic proportions. And this transformation has been
accompanied by minimal publicity, with the exception of extensively
publicised, but intermittent, 'drug busts'...'.

'It is critical for the survival of Western civilisation, and in order to
slow down its rapid descent into pervasive, corrosive globalised criminality
and corruption, which is the grim outlook for the 21st century, that Western
countries begin, even at this late hour, to understand the true nature of the
illegal drug crisis - which means correctly analysing its sources, especially
its political origins, its enabling mechanisms, and its related criminal
dimensions. Unless the nature and provenance of the challenge is finally
understood, the appropriate strategy and tactics to address it will never be
formulated. The drugs scourge continues to escalate because the measures so
far developed to counter it do not take account of the geopolitical dimension
- that is to say, of the malevolent, revolutionary intent which drives it'.

'As a consequence, the measures taken, in the United States, Britain and
elsewhere, to address the scourge, have remained essentially irrelevant and
ineffective.... The plague continues to spread because the West is the victim
of a deliberate, sustained and relentless offensive planned and directed by
enemy intelligence which Western policymakers appear not to begin, or care,
to understand. Some Western leaders even share the ideological objectives of
the perpetrators of the drugs offensive. To make matters much worse, the
values of many policymakers have been fatally eroded; and if one has no real
values, one is not emboldened to defend anything at all, let alone with
conviction and vigour. Policymakers too often stand for nothing and fall for
everything - for every false assessment, for every piece of fashionable
disinformation and for every diversionary tactic which is intended to add to
the confusion and which clouds the truth: namely, that the West has been
targeted as an act of war, and is the victim of a sustained offensive'.

'Obviously, the longer this perversity and blindness continue, the more
powerful and insuperable will the forces which help to perpetuate this
blanket offensive, become. Soon, they will wield almost total power in some
Western countries. The European Union's collectivist structures, with their
pork-barrel traditions and inclinations, are conspicuously vulnerable to
drug-related corruption...'.

 © 1996-2000, Amazon.com, Inc.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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