Dear Sir/Madam,

Forgive my indignation if this message comes to you as
a surprise and if it might offend you without your
prior consent and writing through this channel.

I am Engr. Egbert Imomoh, The Chairman, of the Contract
Award Committee (CAC) of the Nigerian National
Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). I got your contact
through my countrys foreign trade mission after I was
convinced in my mind that you or your company can act
as the beneficiary of the USD17, 850,000.00 (seventeen
Million eight hundred fifty thousand United States Dollars only) Which we intend to 
transfer into a foreign

This fund was a residue of the over invoiced contract
bills awarded by us for the TURN AROUND MAINTENANCE
(TAM) of our Refineries in WARRI, PORT-HARCOURT and
KADUNA and also the Supply of hard/soft wares,
pharmaceuticals/medical items, light and heavy duty
vehicles, apparels and other administrative logistics
for the NNPC.

Therefore, we have resolved to go into partnership
with you to transfer the sum of US$17.850m into your
account, by awarding your company an invented contract
to the tune of US$17.850m. While we must carryout proper
documentation to ensure that this is 100% risk-free
for you and all the legal requirements are met. It is
however agreed, as the account owner in this deal to
allow you 20% of the entire sum as compensation, 70%
will be held on trust for us while 10% will be used to
defray any incidental charges and costs during the
course of the transaction. This transaction will be
successfully concluded within 14 Bank Working days.
If you accord to us your unalloyed and due

Be rest assured that this proposal is 100% risk-free
and please, keep this very confidential, as we are
still civil servants in active service and are bounded
by the civil service commission acts of Nigeria. This
acts Prohibits Civil Servants (like us) from
owning/operating foreign accounts. This is the only
reason we contacted you and where you come into this

Finally, I wish to assure you that all the machinery
and logistics that will ensure a successful and smooth
transfer have been put in place. Since we are going to
use our connections in the Federal Ministry of Finance
(FMF) and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to effect
the immediate transfer of the funds. Please endeavor
to reply for a more detailed information.
I anticipate your urgent response.

Thank you and God bless you.

Engr. Egbert Imomoh O.F.R. (Order of the Federal Republic

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