Hello all,

  I have created a branch in the GCC SVN repository for development work on
the Cygwin-targeted port of the compiler.  The URL of the branch is

(r/o)  svn://gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/branches/cygwin-improvements
(r/w)  svn+ssh://<username>@gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/branches/cygwin-improvements

and it's open to contributions from all interested parties; please send posts
to the gcc-patches list, tagged with "[cygwin-improvements]" in the subject
line and Cc: me if you'd like to add any patches.

  Initially I'll be checking in all the patches I want to feed back upstream
from the Cygwin distro compiler, but it's also intended for any large-scale
future development that anyone wants to use it for.


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