It's not my case but I saw the same problem once. I fixed it just choosing 
another cygwin link in the setup.exe. You could try for instance osuol, 
dresden. Before installing (install everything btw), check the amount of 
megabytes you package has, 900-MB or 1GB would work fine (at least in my case!).
Hope this helps,


> Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 16:35:12 -0400
> From: ajmen...@purdue.edu
> To: cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com
> Subject: I cannot use cygwin
> Hello,
> I am trying to use cyg win and StartX to run a software but it is not 
> working; I 
> attach an image and the log file to see if you could recommend me something 
> to 
> do.
> Thank you for your help.
> Alvaro Mendoza
> Graduate Student
> School of Mechanical Engineering
> Purdue University
> 201 ENAD building
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