Remember, Remember, The 5th Of November; The Bitcoin Revolution And Plot...

Authored by Aleksandar Svetski via,

The anniversary of Guy Fawkes’ Gunpowder Plot is a perfect time to
remember Bitcoin as truth, and to move another step closer to
obsoleting the parasitic nature of the current system.

    “Remember, Remember,

    The 5th of November,

    The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,

    I know of no reason

    Why the Gunpowder Treason

    Should ever be forgot.”

    –Traditional Guy Fawkes Night rhyme

On what better day and in what better way to remind everyone why we’re
all here in the first place, than a little excerpt inspired by “V For

On this most auspicious day roughly 400 years ago, a man named Guy
Fawkes attempted to blow up parliament in England. While he may have
failed in the act, his message was remembered.

His act was symbolic. It serves to remind people that their government
exists to serve them, not to rule over them.

Here we are in 2021, almost half a millennium later, fighting the same
fight, against an arguably more vicious foe. Only this time, we don’t
need to blow up any buildings to prove a point. This time we have the
ultimate tool, the ultimate weapon and the ultimate symbol.

Bitcoin does what no force or symbol has done before. It removes the
ace that all governments throughout history have had up their sleeves,
with which they’ve gained the upper hand over the citizenry.

It’s been their mechanism of control, of parasitism and of literally
baking moral hazard into the grand game of life.

Yes, I’m talking about the money.

By placing it outside of the reach of any of us, whether individual,
government, corporation, central bank or institution of any kind, we
have for the first time in human history a true equality of
opportunity. In fact, it’s the only equality of opportunity that can
be verifiably measured and that actually counts. With it, we also have
the potential for a prospering of the commons.

Bitcoin isn’t just “the next financial product” that the monkeys on
Wall Street or scammers like Rug Pal would like to have you believe in
with their blind attempts at financializing it, and patting themselves
on the back over a stupid ETF. Nor is Bitcoin just another “Fourth
Turning” event which is transient or cyclical in nature, like the
morons who wrote “The Fourth Turning” may believe.

This is so much bigger than what any of us can begin to fathom. And
Satoshi Nakamoto themselves knew that viscerally:

    "Sorry to be a wet blanket. Writing a description for this thing
for general audiences is bloody hard. There's nothing to relate it

    -Satoshi Nakamoto

Bitcoin is a step change in how humanity will operate. It will usher
in a time when the map truly represents the territory, in high
fidelity, when the scorecard of life is accurately measurable and

Bitcoin is like a time and energy superconductor which enables
economic and behavioral feedback loops, and human coordination across
time and space in a way never before achieved.

It is our tool to get through the great filter and we need to remember
that. We need to remember it because we’re surrounded by enemies on
all sides.

>From shitcoiners to Silicon Valley soys and their venture capital
firms, to bankers, hedge funds, governments, the media, the
intelligentsia, economists, the academics and even cartoon character
supervillains cosplaying as Dr. Evil.

All of them hate Bitcoin because it removes their ability to feed like
the parasites that they are. I use that word specifically in place of
“elites,” because these people are anything but elite. To be elite
implies you are exceptional at something. These parasites hate it
because it makes all of them and their very existence obsolete.

We all love Bitcoin because it levels the playing field and sets the
stage for the good and functional to prevail, while the broken,
fraudulent or ineffective either correct or disappear. We love it
because in it we find deep meaning and through it we have the chance
to bring about a period of human history that’s once again worth

Like the quote Evey Hammond found in V’s home in “V For Vendetta”:

    “Vi veri veniversum vivus vici.”

Roughly translated as:

    “By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe.”

Bitcoin is our truth, with which we may conquer the universe. So,
let’s use today as a reminder to move closer toward that truth … and,
as a side benefit, take another step closer to making obsolete the
parasites I mentioned earlier.

    “Remember, remember, it is the 5th of November.

    The Bitcoin Revolution and Plot,

    I know of no reason why the Bitcoin Revolution

    Should ever be forgot.”

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