
I'm a relative newbie on repackaging software to debian packages,
though I've had tried and succeeded repackaging 2 small programs to
debian packages for my own use.

How do I repackage gcc-2.95.3-2 and gcc-3.0.1 for potato? I have
downloaded the official source from the gcc website and am interested in trying 
to repackage both compilers for my potato machine.
Specifically, how do i separate gcc, cpp, gcj, g77, gobjc, libgcc,
libstdc++, etc.. from each other? I'm planning to install gcc-2.95.3-2
and gcc-3.0.1 in parallel with gcc-2.95.2-13 (I need gcc-2.95.3 to
optimize compiling kernel 2.4.12-xfs).

Anyway, I know that using gcc-3.0.1 on potato is not quite a good idea,
as I onced tried gcc-3.0.1 (not packaged) with kernel 2.4.9-xfs. I
couldn't compile kernel 2.4.11-xfs and 2.4.12-xfs without generating
an internal compiler error (kernel optimized for Athlon/Duron) on
2.4.9-xfs with gcc-3.0.1. On 2.4.10-xfs I couldn't do the same plus recompiling 
gcc-3.0.1. (machine stats: AMD Duron 700Mhz, verified no
hardware problems). No errors with potato's gcc-2.95.2-13.

Paolo Alexis D. Falcone
University of the Philippines Manila


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