Kurzel: WKN: 278-104 (OYQ.F)
ISIN: US8742781045

Preis: 0.81 (+50% in 1 tag)
3T Prognose: 3

You should be aware of which referee is more important.
Communicate with the original author before you submit your comment.
When a paper is rejected, the editors paid more attention to the
negative than the positive aspects of your paper.
What to do when they don't respond?
, agricultural economics, where it is more acceptable.
Referees will return the report faster. To assure a long-term
relationship, alternate the order of appearance, especially when the
contributions are roughly equal.
, agricultural economics, where it is more acceptable.
Journal editors have become extremely risk averse; they are more
concerned with the risk of accepting low-quality articles than with the
possibility of rejecting good articles.
Sending all papers to low-quality journals also is unsatisfactory.
You may need to submit more papers. Journal editors have become
extremely risk averse; they are more concerned with the risk of
accepting low-quality articles than with the possibility of rejecting
good articles.
Consequently, top journals are being inundated with manuscripts. If the
work is completed already, cite some papers that are more recent. Does
the new combination make sense?
Do something about it. Then maybe in a book, not vice versa. Wait until
you get tenure to tackle breakthrough ideas. Through your coauthors, you
may be introduced to an established group of economists.
Approach different types of journals Sending all papers to top journals
is risky.
Do not bury them in long paragraphs. Do not try to put down everything
you know about the subject in one paper. Your inability to find
sufficient references indicates You have not read the literature. All
referees are not equal.
For new authors who are submitting their first papers, the world of
publishing and the process of getting published can be intimidating at
best and mystifying at worst.
Do not send copies of your papers to them unless requested to do so.
Duplication is not an extension of knowledge. However, this can be
remedied. You should be aware of which referee is more important. Weight
of a publication Your department or division may not clearly specify
quantified weights to evaluate your research.
Be considerate when determining the order of authors.
Prepare a list of one hundred active people in your main research areas.
Social Science Research Network features news about papers as soon as
they are accepted; you can have the latest information about
publications in your field. This also is an important way for you to
become familiar with others working in the same area.
Duplication is not an extension of knowledge. A journal article is
preferable to a book Don't publish a book, at least not before getting
If the work is completed already, cite some papers that are more recent.
When a paper is rejected, the editors paid more attention to the
negative than the positive aspects of your paper.
Concentrate on one or two fields Normally, you should not select more
than two fields of specialization.
Try to generate a couple of papers from the most important chapters of
the thesis.
Bad luck eventually comes to an end.
We do not give any warranty or other assurance as to the content of the
material appearing on the site, its accuracy, completeness, timeliness
or fitness for any particular purpose. Write clearly The main
assumptions and results should be explained clearly.
"I told my own young colleagues that they should preferably start off
with the received wisdom with some changes until they get their tenure.
The chance that a referee will detect a mathematical error declines. If
you do advance breakthrough ideas your papers will be rejected, and they
might reappear in a modified, clearly written paper by someone else
later. What will you do next?
Social Science Research Network features news about papers as soon as
they are accepted; you can have the latest information about
publications in your field. This practice rarely earns you respect.

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