An e-mail message addressed to you has been quarantined by
PureMessage, CIT's virus filtering software, because it
tested positive for the following virus(es):

    CVDL Swen.A.worm

The subject of the quarantined message was:

    Newest Network Upgrade

If you do not wish to receive this message, then you do not
need to take any action. The message will not be sent to
your computer. Your computer has NOT been infected with a
virus, and no dangerous files have been sent to your

If you want to receive this message, you'll need to contact
the sender and explain the problem. CIT cannot deliver
virus-infected messages even if you request them, and the
sender will not receive notification from CIT.

Suggest to the sender that his/her computer may have a
virus, and that the sender should use anti-virus software
to scan and repair his/her system, asking for help if
needed from a technical support provider or, if the sender
is part of the Cornell community, the CIT HelpDesk
(255-8990 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Once the computer is
free of viruses, the sender should be able to successfully
resend the message to you.

Because many viruses are able to forge the "from" address,
it's possible that the apparent sender may not have
actually sent the message and his/her computer may not be

The message's quarantine ID is  

Reminder: Although PureMessage is effective at blocking
e-mail viruses, it's still a good idea to keep virus
protection software such as Norton AntiVirus running on
every computer you use. Approximately 20% of viruses arrive
by routes other than e-mail, such as file sharing or
infected web sites; PureMessage cannot protect against

Cornell Mail System Administrator
PureMessage Admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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