I have just become aware that my credit card has been billed for months by your company.
I have no idea what this is for since I have never been on your web site and I am in the middle of examining many such charges over the past six to eight months.  It has become obvious to me that someone has gotten my computer information and has been charging various items and services to my card.   I have has to change my debit card four times over the last several months, didn't do any good!   I must find out what your charges are for and why my account has been charged for the last several months.   Please contact me since this is an urgent matter.   I am disabled and on a fixed income so must fix this problem as soon as possible.  If there is a phone number that I could speak to someone directly, your providing it would be very helpful.  My email address is:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]            An immediate response would be most appreciated,
                                                                       Carol  Ann Kodalak

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