Hello fellow contributors,
You most probably don't know me, but I'm Charles, a contributor to l10n-pt
team. I'm reaching out all l10n teams and i18n also because I'd like to
strengthen our ties and share our knowledge. I was inspired by Paulo Santana's
effort to create a localization track at Fosdem [1] and Thomas Vincent's
request for feedback about DDTSS [2]. These experiences showed that we are a
big community full of tools, ideas and workflows, but we don't know much about
each other.
Well, I'd like to change that so I've submitted a BoF (basically a round
table/workshop) to be held at DebConf this year [3] and I'd like to invite you
all to join and contribute with your team's experiences, workflows, tools, etc.
You can add topics for discussion in our online Pad [4] and join via irc - I'll
try to setup a Jitsi meeting so you can join via video too, if that works, the
link will be in the pad. The l10n and i18n BoF will happen at 2024-08-02 10:00
Also, there will be a talk [5] (2024-07-28 17:00 GMT+9) and a workshop [6]
(2024-07-29 14:30 GMT+9) held by Beatrice Torracca about translation and you
are all invited!
[1] https://phls.com.br/bits-from-fosdem-2023-and-2024
[2] https://lists.debian.org/debian-i18n/2024/03/msg0.html
[3] https://debconf24.debconf.org/talks/23-l10n-and-i18n-bof/
[4] https://pad.dc24.debconf.org/p/23-l10n-and-i18n-bof
[6] https://debconf24.debconf.org/talks/130-translating-in-debian/
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