You are noted as the last translator of the debconf translation for
apt-listchanges. The English template has been changed, and now some messages
are marked "fuzzy" in your translation or are missing.
I would be grateful if you could take the time and update it.
Please send the updated file to me, or submit it as a wishlist bug
against apt-listchanges.
The deadline for receiving the updated translation is
Sat, 14 Sep 2024 21:18:22 -0400.
Thanks in advance,
Jonathan Kamens
# Italian (it) translation of po-debconf templates for apt-listchanges.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the apt-listchanges package.
# Luca Monducci , 2005-2013
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: apt-listchanges 2.85.12 debconf templates\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: apt-listchan...@packages.debian.org\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-12 23:48+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-08-18 11:34+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Luca Monducci \n"
"Language-Team: Italian \n"
"Language: it\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../templates:2001
msgid "pager"
msgstr "pager"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../templates:2001
msgid "browser"
msgstr "browser"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../templates:2001
msgid "xterm-pager"
msgstr "xterm-pager"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../templates:2001
msgid "xterm-browser"
msgstr "xterm-browser"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../templates:2001
msgid "gtk"
msgstr "gtk"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../templates:2001 ../templates:4001
msgid "text"
msgstr "text"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../templates:2001
msgid "mail"
msgstr "mail"
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../templates:2001
msgid "none"
msgstr "none"
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../templates:2002
msgid "Method to be used to display changes:"
msgstr "Metodo da usare per mostrare i cambiamenti:"
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../templates:2002
msgid ""
"Changes in packages can be displayed in various ways by apt-listchanges:"
msgstr ""
"I cambiamenti nei pacchetti possono essere visualizzati da apt-listchanges "
"in diversi modi:"
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../templates:2002
msgid ""
" pager: display changes one page at a time;\n"
" browser : display HTML-formatted changes using a web browser;\n"
" xterm-pager : like pager, but in an xterm in the background;\n"
" xterm-browser: like browser, but in an xterm in the background;\n"
" gtk : display changes in a GTK window;\n"
" text : print changes to the terminal (without pausing);\n"
" mail : only send changes via e-mail;\n"
" none : do not run automatically from APT."
msgstr ""
" pager: mostra i cambiamenti una pagina alla volta;\n"
" browser : mostra i cambiamenti formattati in HTML usando un\n"
"browser web;\n"
" xterm-pager : come «pager» ma all'interno di un xterm in background;\n"
" xterm-browser: come «browser» ma all'interno di un xterm in background;\n"
" gtk : mostra i cambiamenti in una finestra GTK;\n"
" text : mostra i cambiamenti sul terminale (senza pause);\n"
" mail : invia i cambiamenti per posta elettronica;\n"
" none : non viene eseguito automaticamente da APT."
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../templates:2002
msgid ""
"This setting can be overridden at execution time. By default, all the "
"options except for 'none' will also send copies by mail."
msgstr ""
"Questa impostazione può essere cambiata durante l'esecuzione. Con la "
"configurazione predefinita tutte le interfacce, eccetto «none», inviano una "
"copia per posta elettronica."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../templates:3001
msgid "E-mail address(es) which will receive changes:"
msgstr "Indirizzo/i email a cui inviare i cambiamenti:"
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../templates:3001
msgid ""
"Optionally, apt-listchanges can e-mail a copy of displayed changes to a "
"specified address."
msgstr ""
"apt-listchanges può inviare per posta elettronica una copia dei cambiamenti "
"mostrati all'indirizzo specificato."
#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../templates:3001
msgid ""
"Multiple addresses may be specified, delimited by commas. Leaving this field "
"empty disables mail notifications."
msgstr ""
"È possibile specificare più indirizzi separandoli con delle virgole. Per "
"disabilitare le notifiche via posta elettronica, lasciare vuoto questo campo."
#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../templates:4001
msgid "html"
msgstr ""
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../templates:4002
msgid "Format of e-mail messages:"
msgstr ""
#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../templates:4002
#, fuzzy
#| msgid "Please choose which type of changes should be displayed with APT."
msgid ""
"Please choose a format for e-mail copies of the displayed changes - either "
"plain text or HTML with clickable links."
msgstr "Scegliere il tipo di cambiamenti da mostrati con APT."
#. T