Here is an indication of some of the people who have indicated that they
wish to participate in the Debian-Lex project.  At the moment we are
mainly communicating by private email, but this is hampering development
so I would like to reiterate this bug report (and the related bug report
189807) in the hope that this sub-project can be "made official" soon
and get its proper mailing list and Web space.

Ken Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Canadian lawyer using Debian
Matt Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Law student, publicity guru
Thurgood Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - French
  lawyer and Linux user, who has offered to help with translations, etc.
Kikko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Italian law student and translator
Renier Leenders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Linux user from the
  Netherlands with a University degree in Dutch law
Stephen Hargrove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - American former lawyer
Andrew Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Australian lawyer
  who does PHP/MySQL development on Linux
Andrew MA Cater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - UK law graduate

I haven't included in the above list the upstream maintainers of the
packages selected for inclusion in the sub-project, although some of
them will be directly participating also.  Apologies if I've omitted
anyone from the above list, which is probable.

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